Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Snapshots

I can't believe how quickly the summer is passing. School is looming just around the corner and I'm bummed. I love summer and this one has been amazing! I was lucky enough to attend two youth camps and got to see first hand God work in many lives...including mine. I thought for my blog I would write some of the stuff God's been teaching me this summer. I call it...My Summer Snapshots.

-We all have names. Some names given to me by others...bossy, creative, friendly, moody, mom, teacher....
God named me loved, accepted, child, created, cared for, FORGIVEN...
I need to discover the name God gave me and live up to that.

-What walls have I built up to keep me from doing what God wants?
SELFISHNESS is my wall. I don't need to be in control I need to allow God to be Lord of my life.

-Our God does impossible stuff. What is the impossible in my life?

-God created me to fly...so what is it that keeps me walking on the ground"?
-God is beyond my knowledge, but not beyond my experience.

-Our relationship with God is not based on how much we love him, but on how much he loves us. (Rev. 3:20)

-God is not the God of condemnation, but the God of love and forgiveness.

-For every lie there is an absolute truth from God.

-Jesus said, "Wherever two or more are gathered, I will be there." He didn't make that promise to an individual, but to 2 or more. We need coummunity in the body of Christ. We can't bring glory to the father when we are independent of the body. Community is important.

I think the biggest thing I've learned this summer is to be still and listen. God says, "Be still and know that I am God". That's a hard one for me. I'm not good at being still and I'm even worse at listening. My goal for this year is to learn to listen for my name and to be what God created me to be.