Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I love the thought that we can be good stewards of our money if we put forth a little effort. Right now in my wallet I have a card that says "WWJB"- What Would Jesus Buy! Every time I open my wallet now I have to see that card. It doesn't always work, but it is a good reminder.
When Justin and I got married we got into debt pretty quickly. Had to have the right ring, the right couch and the right clothes, right? I mean, who doesn't need a pair of Gucci sunglasses! Well, we took a crown class and realized very quickly that thinking that way was not at all biblical, not to mention it wasn't very good common sense either. We kept relying on the next bonus or tax return to pay off the credit card. Fast forward a year later we are $16,000 in debt not including school loans.
We were up to our ears in monthly payments and didn't see a way out. Through Crown Ministries and a fun little book "Americas Cheapest Family" we were able to make a plan and are going to be completely out of debt by December!
It all started with little steps towards a big goal. I am proud to say that I plan meals from sale items and sometimes go to a few grocery stores to find the best prices. I have also become very fond of garage sales and craigslist.
You don't have to be in debt to take the step to be financially responsible. Especially in this economy. Every little thing helps. Bottom line---Spend LESS then you make!!!!!


Anne LoGrasso said...

Coley, so glad I met you (and so many of my other wonderful friends) in that Crown class so many years ago! Who knew!!!