Saturday, April 25, 2009


I must admit that this week, I am having a difficult time writing. Why? Rahab appeals to me. She reminds me of myself in many ways (no, I'm NOT a prostitute!) and that results in a unique challenge in my writing.

So, here is what I came up with:
1. Grace - I have been saved by grace - the same grace that weird, stinky, unique, "different" people can be and have been saved by grace...but why do we still judge?

2. Faith - I have an incredible faith. I know God is in charge and I can't recall too many times when this has been shaken...One that stands out is a situation that surrounded the adoption of one of my children. (I must protect this information and not share all of the details in such a public forum in order to protect my child's privacy.) Let's just say that the thought of losing a child that you've raised for a period of time due to an unforeseen legal glitch can shake your faith - even just for a moment. In this specific situation, I really wanted to lie to protect this child but in the end told the truth. God was faithful - yet again revealing a mini-snapshot of all that he provides for us! My faith in Him reconfirmed once again and I am grateful that we did not become one of those families handing over a child to his/her birth family live on national TV! Thank you, Lord!

3. Commitment - I tend to be a pretty committed person (at work - I'm mission driven; at home - I'm committed even if others aren't; in church...hmmmm....maybe that is a place where I can use some help.) Seems I've been "church shopping" for a little too long...Been there? Yeah, I think I need to commit.

4. Courage - Cognitive dissonance is a psycho-social concept that I recently studied. This is when there are inconsistencies between one thing and another (e.g., single white woman with two children of minority race (different at that) ... um, can she be a Christian? Can she live a Godly life? Boy, does she "get around"...

I must admit that it takes courage to live this life. Thankfully, God has granted me abundant courage and although I often have to take a deep breath and let things go because our family doesn't "fit" the traditional mold, I have been blessed by courage.
Now, my real fears come from: fire & eye inquiries.

5. Obedience - Now you've hit the nail on the head. I sometimes have challenges in being obedient to God's will. You? Specifically, I am somewhat intolerant of incompetence; drives me a little nutty. Sometimes I say things I later regret. For this I need to remind myself to obey God's command to love one another - even when others perform below my expectations! :(

I wish for you: grace, faith, commitment, courage and obedience. May you be committed to welcoming people who don't fit the traditional mold into your world (work, home, church congregation, play group, athletic team, coffee break, etc...) God has offered both of you grace; you have something in common even if it doesn't appear so on the outside. Be obedient to his command - love one another (and keep reminding me of this too!).

Be brave.
Be loving.

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9