Sunday, April 12, 2009

Did I hear you right?

I have the BEST day of this week to share: EASTER SUNDAY! 

Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection Day! Celebrate Jesus! 

Leading up to this joyous day, I have heard some interesting comments and witnessed some different behaviors and God spoke in these scenarios to me: 

1. Mr. Safeway: cPicture this: 10:45 p.m., young guy in his car with a milk shake in hand. 
Windows down, music blaring and Mr. Safeway singing as loud as he can: Mercy Me's hit:
I Can Only Imagine.

Conclusion 1: Not at all what I imagined as I left Safeway that late night ... a sweet reminder from a loving God on Good Friday... the wonder of Heaven is MINE in Jesus's sacrifice of resurrection. 

Conclusion 2: Be loud, be open, be transparent with this holy message of Jesus's sacrifice and God's forgiving love this Easter.

2. Alert from a Facebook Friend: It's Good Friday... Why is Wal-Mart and Target out of jelly beans and peeps already? 

Conclusion 3:  Really? Seriously? Is this a holiday for candy, bunnies and eggs or is it more... to me? my family? my children? Confirmation for me from my God: continue to focus on the sacrifice and the celebration that awaits on Sunday morning. 

Remember, HE is not here... not the peeps and jelly beans... Amazingly, the tomb was empty ... concentrate on this truth ... it's sweeter than candy, healthier and better for the waistline! 

3. Fatherly Justice:  "Yes, it's tax season... my wife is an accountant at work and my daughter needed a dress for Sunday."  

I heard this most-helpful father tell the sales gal at the all-girls clothing store, Justice today. My daughters and I were moved by his thoughtfulness, kindness and genuine care he was pouring out over his young daughter as they shopped together. I was impressed with his willingness to buy a complete outfit with his daughter, understanding that his wife must be swamped with her employment duties. 

Conclusion 4:  Strangely, this father's presence made me think of those closest to Jesus and had to watch him suffer on his way to the cross and on the cross.  The agony and heartbreak they must have felt. I imagine in their mourning, they must have leaned on each other for strength... similar to this father who was picking up the pieces to keep his family going while his wife's duties must be overwhelming. This father was showering his daughter with love rather than complaining of having to shop in such a girlie store that would be uncomfortable for most men. 

I also began to think of the preparation Mary and Mary Magdalene were making to prepare Jesus's body for burial that early Sunday morning.  I imagine they walked in silence to the tomb, thinking on the events of the last days. I can just see their faces, stroked with disbelief as the Angel explains (with such joy): He is not here... HE IS RISEN!  

What would I have done if I had been there? Would I have believed or doubted? Would I react like my favorite team winning a national championship title? a Super Bowl? a World Series title? If I am not cheering or screaming this Easter Sunday morning... something is very wrong. 

So, step it up this Easter, cheer for your SAVIOR! Your Messiah who sets you free! Your rescuer from the evil one... Deliver of sin... Lover of your soul!

4. .Jesus Christ, you need an outfit for Easter!  

So, here we are shopping in Kohl's... I make a quick pit stop in the restroom only to hear a mom (loudly) telling her child,  "Jesus Christ, you need an outfit for Easter."  However, the way I heard it ... her expression sounded like she was talking to Jesus. "Jesus Christ: you need an outfit for Easter" 

I chuckled thinking, no, he doesn't need an outfit... He has RISEN! He is ALIVE... no fancy outfit needed for this celebration. Just Jesus - but, thanks for telling him. 

This mom was trying to convince her child that buying a new outfit was necessary for Sunday. A new outfit can help signify the importance of the celebration, maybe the shedding of the old and welcoming in the new life? I believe in new or old duds, I am confident my God wants my attention... doesn't want me talked into the process of loving him... just to be in a constant communion with him. No, I don't need convincing to dress up for Jesus... he loves me just the way I am.

Enjoy your new life in Christ ... shed the old attitude and be willing to be shrouded in his white cloths of forgiveness and grace. 

In our house, we'll be gathering for a little brunch and will celebrate the victory we have in Jesus... I'll be thanking God for the transparent witness of Mr. Safeway, for an empty tomb and not empty store shelves, for the father who loves his daughter enough to do something uncomfortable to bring her joy, and hoping the Kohl's mom realizes Jesus has RISEN and is clothed perfectly for this celebration in His honor.

Cheer loud, today is game day and our team wins! 

So, can you hear him, now? He's ALIVE! He has RISEN! And you are BLESSED, for you have seen God.