Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Label Maker

I laughed out loud when I read Jen's description of herself in chapter 1. If I didn't know any better, I would swear she was describing me.

"White, middle class, daughter of functional parents, minister's kid, honor student, little Miss Churchy Churcherton, teacher, pastor's wife, soccer mom, suburban dweller, Bible teacher, Starbucks enthusiast."

I am a label maker and at some point have used all of the above to try and define who I am. Not sure why I have the incessant need to label. Maybe it's because I need things to fit into their nice little box in order for my world to make sense. Maybe it's because I have an ongoing battle within myself between who I am vs. who I think I should be. What a relief it was to find out that I don't need to find my identity this way. Instead of putting a label on myself (or letting others do it for me) I should be asking, "God, who do YOU say I am"?

Here is what Jen has to say in chapter 1.
"Our design was invented in the heavens, sisters. We are uniquely formed for God's glory. We are deliberate and beautiful, diverse and powerful, sealed by the name of the Most High. He took great care to create us, every detail and facet. In Him our identity is settled. We are daughters of the King-valued, adored, crucial. Anyone else's take on us is irrelevant."
Did you read that? "In Him our identity is settled. We are daughters of the King-valued, adored, crucial. Anyone else's take on us is irrelevant."
Translation: labels mean nothing. Our identity comes from HIM and HIM alone.

In chapters 1-3 we read the story of Tamar, another woman who lived by labels...Canaanite, widower, childless, flawed....Not all flattering labels to say the least, but you see, just like me, Tamar didn't need labels to define her. It didn't matter what others thought about her or how she perceived herself. She was welcomed into the lineage of Jesus anyway. Her labels didn't disqualify her. God used Tamar and he can use you and me despite ourselves.

The Bible says in Psalms 139:13,15-16: "You created my inmost being...My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body, all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

If you have not gotten this book yet, I suggest you run, not walk, to your nearest Christian bookstore and pick up a copy. It is captivating, inspiring, and absolutely hysterical! I want to be Jen's friend. She is witty, engaging and this book completely destroyed any preconceived notions I had on being a Godly woman. Thanks Jen for reminding us that we find our identity in HIM.


SarahMaurer said...

Amen Sister!

Love, Lynwood said...

hmm this really seemed to help me...
i tend to label myself and put others in categories; you know me and "organizing" lol!
wow. :)