Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Talking to God

Prayer to me is something I have struggled with my whole life. I have battled with questions such as "Why does a God need me to pray?" "If God is almighty and can do anything why does he need me to pray?". Well, I don't think that I can answer these questions 100% on this side of heaven, but I have come up with something helps me understand a little better. I know in the Bible it has a few examples of God "changing his mind" because of prayers. But what does that really look like?
Here is what I have come up with in my time with the Lord. We are supposed to be in an intimate relationship with our Savior Jesus. When I think about what my relationships look like in my daily life, I think about the constant communication I am in with my husband and friends. Why wouldn't I want to be in constant communication with Jesus? I view prayer as my way to be in a deep relationship with Jesus. Talking to him all day long about anything and everything and it also helps me keep God in the small stuff like we talked about last week!
Have a great week talking to God!