Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Ok, I have to start out seconding (is that even a word??) Amy's post. I have really felt like I was digging and digging and could not get out this week. We have been so busy and I can totally relate to-- nope, no time! My husband and I just found out today that we are going to have our second baby on October 22nd (ish). We have a 16 month old right now that is such a JOY, but life can already be a little overwhelming. One second I am overjoyed about our new little life, and the next I am having a panic attack thinking that I can barely handle my life now.
As I read Proverbs 31:10-31 I think- Man, she has it together! It is hard to relate to "Her lamp does not go out at night" vs 18 when I am ready for bed at 2:00 in the afternoon!!!!! Not to mention being a good wife and focusing on that when there is so much else going on in our little world.
But for me, it all comes back to seeking Christ in all I do. I have seen recently that when my focus is not on Christ first, things can go down hill fast!! I really believe that if we are constantly seeking Christ's face through His word, these characteristics will slowly start to develop in you.
My prayer for you (and me) this week is that we can focus on us, and not in the way society would tell you to do this, but in the way God tells us to do this. And by that I mean that we give ourselves time with the Lord first and learn to say no!


"Katie" said...

Congrats on the new baby! How exciting. May you have peace and health on your journey.

The Goebels said...

Congratulations! My girls are 18 months apart. Can be overhelming at times but also a lot of fun!

Chad & Ryan said...

That is awesome! Congratulations. I am so happy for you guys. I hope it's a little girl so I can finally shop for something pink!

Love, Lynwood said...

:] congrats on the new kid!
and yeah...i can even second that "no time" deal...even in high school!

"Katie" said...

Mine are 17 months, 7 days apart and I have to say, it is great!! Almost no jealousy. The oldest can't ever remember being an only and they are "two peas in a pod"....although very different personalities. Congrats again!!! wooohooo.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Coley! That is awesome! I'm about one month out from having #5! The oldest being 6 1/ I can relate to the no time issue! Life is definately crazy, but our Lord is so good and faithful. I would never have imagined myself with 5 children is less than 7 years, but I can't say I would do it any different if I had the choice. I feel like now is the time where those deep "tap roots" continue to produce fruit in my life spiritually. This is where the rubber meets the road. God is good and His Spirit is always working, even when we are exhausted!