Sunday, April 5, 2009

Operation KTN

I love my job!  I spend my work days with 8 and 9 year old children.  I teach them reading, writing, math, science, social studies, penmanship, grammar and spelling.  In my classroom, I also teach my students how to make appropriate behavior and social choices, how to report and prevent bullying, how to study, how to be of strong character and demonstrate such traits as responsibility, respectfulness, thankfulness, trustworthiness, fairness, caring and how to be a good citizen. 

But, as a Believer in Jesus Christ, I know teaching in a public school, my calling is to instruct beyond the 3 R's and the required discipline, character and anti-bullying curriculum. So, in stepped Operation KTN

This is my first year of using code word KTN daily. Operation KTN in my classroom is a vehicle to encourage students to stand up for themselves in a kind manner... put an end to untrue words, and decide if they will continue to judge/bully one another.  This code guides them to decide if they are tattling or reporting, being truthful or unkind.

My students have spent the last weeks, exploring how words can hurt moreover than physical action. We have also explored how our actions can also speak the code KTN.   They have written how this special code helps them in playground disputes and to help prevent being bullied. 

Operation KTN has been very successful in these young learners. I have seen great maturity in my students in their manners and most importantly, in their respect for one another in their words and actions. 

I believe teaching academics to children is a high calling, but training children to recognize kindness and truth sets a path of success for them emotionally and socially.  

So, instilling a KTN radar early in children is all part of the Godly command to train up a child in the way they should go.... and of course, setting a strong example as the teaching adult is paramount.  (I have heard reports from the mouths of babes when an adult is not using Operation KTN.) Do not discount even the youngest of God's children can learn this powerful code of KTN. The code of KTN is vital in a household, a classroom, a workplace and even in God's own house. 

Keep on putting up your KTN radar daily, be watchful of areas in your life that you can put into action operation KTN and press on, knowing the prize of taking every thought and word captive will bring honor to your Holy God.

May your words and actions be kind, true and completely necessary.

Happy Passover and Easter week... 


The Goebels said...

I agree....need to pick your brain about some ideas for next year's class.....