Monday, April 6, 2009

Be still - you might miss it!

A few years ago around easter my husband accidentally hit a bunny that ran in front of our car. I told my nieces that their uncle had run over the Easter Bunny. My youngest niece looked up at me all wide-eyed in disbelief and said, "Uncle Devlyn killed the guy at the mall?!"

Ah - the joys of commercialized holidays! To most people Easter represents the following:
1. 1 of 2 times they attend church during the year
2. Purchasing of a new dress and hat to look our "Easter Sunday best".
3. Coloring, hiding and hunting eggs.
4. The Easter bunny leaving us gifts in hidden baskets.
5. Chocolate bunnies and Peeps!

We should all be focusing on the true meaning of Easter, the Resurrection!! Because He died and rose again. The tomb was empty, the promise was fulfilled. This week try and allow the power of the Resurrection to consume you from the inside out.

I will be focusing on Psalm 46:10 - 'Be still and know that I am God'. How simple and easy is that? Be still. Or replace 'be still' in the verse with the things in your life that distract you from doing this:
Cease striving and know that I am God.
Quit crying and know that I am God.
Quit judging and know that I am God.
Slow down and know that I am God.

It's hard to hear what someone is saying if you aren't listening. You might think you are listening, but are you really being still?
I was inside a gas station this past week and was so involved in making my cappuccino that I almost missed a call. I was humming along to the music they were playing in the store and thinking - wow! They are playing a Christian song in cool is that? Then I realized it was my own cell phone and my husband was calling from the car to see what was taking so long.
Have you ever been so wrapped up in something that you can't see the forest for the trees? God has been calling and you recongnize it yet you don't answer?

Exodus 15:26 says 'Diligently listen to the voice of the Lord your God, do that which is right in His eyes, give ear to His commandments and keep all His statutes.'
Diligently many times do you think God has tried to get your attention and you just don't get the hint. We expect communication with God to come in the form of a loud resounding voice and a bright light but it's not a movie people. And if we are not diligently listening, can we be sure we are following His will for our lives?

We all have questions we want answered. I know I am waiting on several things from God. But am I paying attention to what He's already told me? I'm hardly ever just still, listening to God. I have so many opportunities like when I'm in my car for 45 minutes. I should spend the time diligently listening and seeking God and instead I'm listening to the radio or my Ipod and talking on the phone.

During a Beth Moore study, she mentioned the reason it was the women that found the empty tomb is because God knew they would spread the word. We can be known for good gossip too!
So this is your oppurtunity to spread the news. This week be taken with the word of God and revel in it. Be still and listen. Then spread the word. As Christians the week of the passover is our Superbowl. Let's increase the hype - Christ the Lord has risen!! Can I get a witness?


The Goebels said...

funny that you would use that particular scripture this week....God has been speaking to my on that exact verse. Shared it with a friend earlier in the week. God is good!