Friday, May 1, 2009

Beautiful Women

Can I just claim "pass" on this subject? Yeah, that's it...if I just keep procrastinating...maybe God will send me a "pass".... hmm. Obviously, God isn't letting me "pass" on this one. Rats!

Isn't it so easy to get caught up in the worldly idea of beauty instead of God's? I am more like a "bull in the china shop" than that dignified women. I wasn't blessed with lots of physical beauty. I don't always say the right things or do the femine thing. Sometimes LIFE doesn't help that any. Please read the following with the humor that it was written...

Maybe you can relate to some of these:

  • Born with an eye problem that still creates a lazy eye. Even cloudy days "hurt" my eyes and I must wear sunglasses just to be outside for 15 minutes & squint unattractively. (I am sure you can imagine the name calling and teasing that started as early as Kindergarten.)
  • I love sports and would rather wear tennis shoes and t-shirts than get dressed up. (My family and I have joked for years that my wedding will be matching T-shirts on a Basketball Court or Softball field.)
  • I hate playing games so I didn't do well at flirting...or did I do it at all.
  • In High School I was always the "friend of" the person everyone wanted to date and was often entangled in the "do you think she likes me"...can I just say NO, but I DO! =)
  • THE PHRASE: "You are going to make a great Mom some day." ( you think I could have a date first?)
  • Another "GREAT" idea: You'll meet Mr. Right in college...everyone does and gets married. (8 brides maids dresses later....) So did I "blow" college by not finding a mate? =)
  • Two of my best friends (one HS, one College) were both Homecoming Court, Cheerleaders, BEAUTIFUL (inside & out), Academically gifted, and to top it off...they both were in the Miss "State" Pageant and one was 1st Runner Up...twice!
  • And now...I'm am an over 40 never married, single female who really needs to get back "in shape".

If we took all that (without the humor it was written with) and put it next to the world's ideas, then we would say...FAILURE, UGLY, UNSUCCESSFUL. Fortunately, that's not how God sees us...Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart! 1 Samuel 16:7

Being totally honest...I haven't often celebrated being a beautiful women created by God. I loved the perspective Jen had in these two chapters. It's the balance of it all. The inward stuff...integrity, hard working, honest, faithful. But, that doesn't mean neglecting the outside. It's all about balance. God made men & women different...duh! Not one better than the other, but unique and special. Thanks Jen....I needed my "balance meter" reset! LOVED the Ruth story from that perspective...Beauty inside & out!

You are beautiful. Celebrate being female without neglecting the inward qualities. We should reflect our Beautiful Savior...outwardly & inwardly. Both of mine needed a little "spring cleaning" about you?

Keep your BALANCE ladies! 1 Samuel 16:7



Grace said...

Love it - I'm sure we all feel this way too - even the hot girls lol! I love how ours were so similar. Bull in a china shop - yep that's me too. Poor Devlyn!

ElizaBeth said...

DITTO, DITTO, DITTO! - even the over 40 and need to get in shape!