Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As most of you know I am a mom of a little boy, Baylor, who is full of energy and 18 months old. I am also 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I am so blessed and I know that, but I have to admit that my life has not been full of roses these last few weeks. Just as I write this I have to laugh because Baylor just ran up to me and said "I wove you mum" and then turned around and threw his ball in the dog dish which I have told him not to do about 50 million times today!!!!! AHHHHH!!!
Have you ever wondered why motherhood, which is such a blessing, is so darn hard??? Don't get me wrong, I love that I get to play a huge part in raising my child(ren) because most mom's these days don't get that luxury. But some days I want to run away and not come back. The funny thing is that if I have to be away from him for more than a few hours, I miss him so much that all I think about is what I am missing.
I just read an article that featured 5 women that recently got laid off from their jobs. One mom was saying how hard it was for her to be away from work because the work of raising her children was much harder and she was ready to go back to work! Some days, I know what she means!
I have been sick from baby number two and the stress of trying to care for Baylor while having to stop reading him a book to go throw up is getting to me. I am tired and feel like I can't do any more. But just then the Lord reminds me that he created me to be his mom and to love and nurture him and somehow I just do it. No matter how many things you had to deal with that day, when your child gets hurt and only wants mom, that makes it all ok!
So in honor of Mother's Day I just want to say WAY TO GO to all the moms out there. Your work does not go unnoticed even though most days it feels that way. I know I am just starting to understand the sacrifices my mom made for me and I am 24! Thanks mom! HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY (late)!