Monday, May 25, 2009

Table for 2 please!

The Bible is clear on idol worship - don't do it! An idol is not necessarily a person or a figure. It can be a habit, an idea or a way of life. It can be your spouse, a parent, a sibling or even a child. Bottom line - it is anything you place before God.

I love journals. The problem is when I buy a new one I cannot bring myself to write in it because I don't want to mess it, most of them remain blank. The same is true about Idols - they look so pretty on the outside and you find yourself collecting them without realizing it, but then you open them and realize they are empty on the inside. There is no substance, only surface level satisfaction. The only fulfilling idol you can have is God.

While reading my Bible in preperation for this week, I was led to one of my favorite books, 1 Corinthians. Chapter 10 is titled 'Warning against Idolatry'. For those of you who think you do not need a lesson on the danger of idolatry - think again! I'm sure God is putting up yellow warning tape all around your dream world as we speak. Why? Check out chapter 10, verse 21, which caught my attention because it explained my personal dealings with idolatry.

"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons. You cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons."

I often find myself unable to pry my hand away from the cup of demons. Of course I think I am getting cozy with God but it's a false comfort because I am really not putting Him first. My table is littered with cups. What are in my cups of demons? To name a few...
Celebrity Gossip
My husband
Secular ideology
My Blackberry
Material possessions

Sometimes I find myself knee deep in idol worship before I recognize it for what it is!

Have you ever wanted to try to cleanly pull a tablecloth out from under a set table? Imagine God is the tablecloth and you have a bunch of stuff just sitting on top of Him. Pull the cloth and walkaway from the mess. You are holding on to the only thing that matters.

Take a look at your cup and your table. Recognize what is taking priority over God in your life, walk away from the table of demons and have a seat for 2 with God at his table.