Monday, June 1, 2009

I have issues!

**Check out our sidebar for our summer 2009 project - the Conspiracy of Kindness. Our goal is to commit acts of kindness this summer and report our progress to our readers. We encourage you to participate with your own acts of kindness. Check out the purple notes at the end of each post to see what acts have been committed each week by all of the Queens!!**

I remember when I was young my Sunday School teacher used to tell me that God counted and knew every hair on my head. I felt bad when I went to get my hair cut because that was just extra work for God, you know since he would have to recount mine. Sounds kind of silly to think that way now as an adult but is it really any different then other “small” issues we don’t take to God because we don’t want to bother him? Speaking for myself, I tend to only go to God with the 911 emergencies. He’s my ‘in case of emergency’ contact – which is good, but it’s not enough. It’s a shame I don’t consider his willingness and capabilities all the time. Life sure would be a lot easier.

I really haven’t though much about keeping God in the small stuff but I will say, my husband is great about reminding me. If something small comes up that I’m stressing myself out over, my husband will say to me, “Why don’t you just pray about it?”. The first thought that crosses my mind is whatever – God doesn’t have time for my freak out. But, I will say in the rare occasion I have actually taken the hubby’s advice, it has definitely calmed me down and helped me work through it.

One occasion comes to mind that I thought would be funny to share with you. It happened last year when we were in Moldova on our mission trip. We were doing inner-city baseball camps at local school yards with no restroom facilities. On the way to the school we went through the drive-thru at McDonalds. At this point we had not had any ‘American’ food and I foolishly decided that right then would be a good time to eat a double cheeseburger. Uh yeah – big mistake – BIG! HUGE!! Of course right when we arrived at the school and were unloading our equipment, I started getting all shaky and breaking out in the cold sweats. That burger was going through my system faster than the speed of light and I was in dire need of a toilet – STAT! Of course I was too embarrassed to ask someone to drive me back to our apartment, which also would have required me to get on the scary elevator all by myself, but I had to do something or this movement was going to take over in a big way! So I just asked God to take away the pain and need. I’m sure I promised a few things in return but I was desperate. And guess what? Immediately I was fine. Just like that. Now don’t worry, as soon as we got back to the apartment at the end of the day, and I mean literally the second we stepped in the door, I was hanging on for dear life to that blessed porcelain stool! It’s funny because I asked God for a crazy ridiculous miracle, and He came through, but not for a second longer than necessary.

Who thinks of going to God in a moment like that? God does deal with a lot of our crap (sorry – just give me one), but as our Father, His desire is to do just this. Nothing is too small to take to God – if He is a part of your life he should be included on all of your decisions and desires, your dilemmas and fears. God is in to details so just let Him be for you. We all have issues, big and small, but God is always keep him in the equation!

**Sat next to an older gentleman on the plane this week. He was a sweetie and kept me entertained with WWII stories from his time in the Navy! Our flight was canceled after being on the plane for over an hour...a madhouse ensued trying to get everyone rebooked...unfortanetly for me and my sailor we had to overnight...I gladly gave up my seat on the hotel shuttle to the older gentleman and waited in the humid Nashville weather for the shuttle to return for me...**