Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yep, I got 'em...

Idols, that is... 

I have spent the week looking at idols in my life. A scary adventure at best. No need to bore you with the laundry list, but, because we are a curious sort... here's a few:

my laptop/Internet
my classroom
my students
activities that keep my family too busy
praise of others
pleasing others
obsessing over plans
my to do list

and topping the list this week:

So, I am pretty great at identifying the idols but, the real question is/the God question is...

"What are you going to do about it?"

Please note I am not trying to demean or underestimate the severity of contemporary idol worshipping, in fact, the truth and sneaky way these idols steal from my joy, peace and intimacy with God actually scares me to the bone. 

Our world, like no other time before, is filled with THINGS that are made into idols. Everything from obsessing about popularity, possessions, television shows, relationships, music, movies and the infamous Internet. These modern day idols are not small trinkets or great golden calves of the days of Biblical history but, equally steal our attention and strength and above all create a deep separation from the one and only who is eternal. Our soul should ache for God not another round of Bejewled Blitz or another "You've Got Mail" message. 

Our God is a very jealous God. He wants our undivided attention and nothing less. The Word of God is crystal clear on idols worshipping; 

"Thou shalt not have any other God before me." - Exodus 20: 3

The warning is also very clear: Have idols? be cursed! - Deut. 7:26.

So, again, what am I going to do with all this head knowledge about my God and idols? Can I move the head knowledge into heart knowledge that actually penetrates my stubborn ways? 

I must take action: commit God's word to my heart in order to combat the contemporary idol worship that seems to lay low like a dark cloud some days. 

I  keep on identifying these idols in order to banish them from stealing my attention from my God. 

I will work to continually turn every thought & word captive in order to honor my God and not these idols.

I will be cautious with my time, energy & attitudes to prevent more worldly influences from becoming idols in my life. 

I will commit to spend time with God not idling turn over this precious time to the Internet or mindless time wasters. Good bye Bejeweled Blitz and all the other online games that come before my God.

As a parent, I realize my example of putting aside these worldly idols is paramount for training up my children in the way they should follow God. So, off with the TV, the Internet and prioritizing our activities so, that we don't become ruled by the IDOL of BUSY... is above all my call to action for my family.

I'll never be perfect... but, My God is... and through his strength I will pray that his favor and not curse will rule over these idols and the idols won't rule over me. 

Now, off to seek his kingdom and not another Facebook friend. 
