Friday, June 5, 2009

The Small Stuff

An interesting phrase I found...
"Don't sweat the small's all small stuff."

It that's true then "big things do come in small packages" because the "stuff" I dealt with this week didn't seem small! What about you?

Isaiah 6:1
I see the Lord seated on a throne, high and exalted, and teh train of his robe filled the temple.

King Solomon realized this as he gave his dedication of the Temple.
1 Kings 8:27
The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain You.

So maybe it's a matter of perspective. When stop and spend time with God and think about our Creator and Lord, then we realize how awesome He is and our stuff becomes small in comparison of His power and glory. The amazing thing is the flip-side. Although it is true that compared to God our "stuff" may seem small...He cares about every little thing.

I love how kids get this...ever listen to them pray? Thanks for my puppy, please help my cat get better, thank you for the clouds, my new game, for letting me play with my cousin, etc.

If we take a lesson from the kids, then we will just have a conversation all day. I've noticed something through some "bigger & harder" times lately...when I notice the small stuff and talk to Him about it then my attitude softens and becomes more positive. The same God that created the universe also knows the number of hairs on our head so there is nothing I can't talk to Him about...big or small.

So how's your conversation lately? Give Him matter how big or small...He cares about it all!