Friday, July 17, 2009

25-1 Odds

James 3:5 The tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do.

Wow, the tongue...what damage it can do. It only takes a few minutes of hanging with some kids or teens to know that. How many of us have some "language baggage" from our childhood or teen years? That's why I want to everything possible to be positive...especially with kids.
But let's look beyond the obvious like curse words, gossip, or hurtful words. What about just negatives? While taking a course on Positivie Discipline for the classroom, I discovered something... I was actually more negative than positive with my words. I was amazed at how many times a day I said NO or NOT or DON'T. I was equally surprised how hard it was to STOP doing it. Trying to say only the positive and say only what you want instead of just what NOT to do was a hard habit to start. Now it is a good habit / second nature.
It was worth the months of practice it took because here are the odds...
It takes 25 positive statements to erase 1 negative one!
So how are your words?

Queen JJ