Monday, March 30, 2009

KTN - Weapons of mass destruction?

KTN Kind, True and Necessary. Sounds simple enough right? We are taught as kids – if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Everyone has heard of the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12) ‘Do unto others and you would have them do unto you’. But how many of us find this hard to follow? Or a better question - how many of us are willing to follow this rule?

When I was a kid my sister and I had a Frenemy – our neighbor Shelly. We befriended her in the summer because she had a pool. But as soon as summer was over she became ‘Fat Shelly’ and we sang ‘Lard Butt’ to her – a very cruel song we made up. (I’m sure you all want to be my friend now!) . Suffice to say, someone wasn’t listening to the story of the Good Samaritan in Sunday School!! It’s sad to say it even carried over to adulthood as it is now a family joke - when we are all together eating we say ‘Wonder what Fat Shelly is doing?” And then in unison we reply, “Eating!!’. We all pretty much assume Shelly is a supermodel now too – serves us right!!

Have you seen the movie Mean Girls? An exclusive clique of girls were called ‘The Plastics’ because they were very fake and very cruel. They were the type of girls who would compliment you to your face and then diss you behind your back. They kept a burn book that listed very unkind, untrue and unnecessary information about their classmates.

We have all been a ‘Plastic’ at some point in our life and I’m sure we have all been a ‘Fat Shelly’ too. In reading the many verses in the Bible on KTN, there was one that stuck out to me. Colossians 4:6 says – ‘Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.’

There are 3 different ways we should use words according to this verse –
1. Words of Grace – How many of us have been personally relieved by His graciousness and yet are slow to extend the same graciousness to others? Read it again, then really answer this question - you might be surprised.
2. Words that are salty – Our speech should be so seasoned by grace that it will not be rejected with aversion. Salt is a peservative, it enhances the flavor of the food and makes us thirsty!
3. Words that are consistent – Our speech should be consistent with the Word of God and the character of Christ. Bottom line, Christ is our best example of how to apply KTN!

Kindness in us meets needs in others.
Not being truthful hurts.
Unnecessary words are weapons.
**Personal note - happy anniversary to my cute husband - Saturday April 4 - 11 years!!**


Julie said...

If you'll write a book, I'll buy it. Love you!

The Goebels said...

i was so going to write about fat shelly. now i gotta come up with something else.