Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Amazing Grace That Saved A Wretch

I've always wondered what exactly a wretch is...so I looked up the word in the dictionary.

1 : a miserable person : one who is profoundly unhappy or in great misfortune
2 : a base, despicable, or vile person

Oh...so a wretch is someone like Rahab. A common harlot, a lady of the night, an outcast clinging to the very bottom rung of the social ladder. What could she possibly have to offer the God of the universe? He would never bother with such a bottom feeder. But wait a minute... the song doesn't say saved a wretch like Rahab....it says "saved a wretch like me". Like me? How can that be? I'm not like Rahab at all. I'm the daughter of a minister, the wife of a pastor....I've never been a prostitute....but there it is in black and white..." saved a wretch like ME".

Let's be honest here. Haven't we all looked down on the Rahabs of the world? Those we consider under our spiritual rank. We are so quick to judge telling ourselves that their sin is bigger than ours or it's worse than ours, but you know what? The same grace that saved Rahab is the same grace that saved me (and you). It wasn't earned and it certainly wasn't deserved, but nonetheless it was given freely to us by God. In her book Jen Hatmaker says, "It is a short step into grace; Jesus made it so simple. The divide is no greater for a prostitute than for a preacher's daughter. All the blessings of the covenant of mercy belong to you. If you have but a simple faith, you will yet comprehend how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ that removes our shame, develops our courage,and crowns us with honor. Unfathomable is His grace."

Thank you Lord for an Amazing Grace that saved a wretch like me!


jj said...

Good blog! I enjoyed my week-end with the Queens! AWESOME!