Monday, April 20, 2009

The Fear Which Project

I never thought I would be cheering on a prostitute in the Bible but go Rahab! Could I have been so brave to defy a King? Probably not - and unlike Rahab, I have the knowledge of God's power and love! I'd probably just stick my 'No Soliciters' sign on the door and be done with it.
Our family has a secret doorbell ring to alert each other it is us at the door so it's okay to answer it. I'd tell you what it was but then I'd have to invite you in. Wow! Is this how we prepare to answer when God knocks? And He does knock, just ask Rahab!

Fear is a tough one. We all have fears - here are a few of mine:
Scuba Diving
Hair Balls
The unknown
Being alone

You see how my fears went from nonsense to seriousness so quickly? Fear is unrational. As Christians, fear is unnecessary!! The opposite of fear is faith.
The chapter title of Hebrews 11 is 'By Faith'. Verse 31 says:
'By faith Rahab the prostitute did not perish with those who were disobedient because she had given a friendly welcome to the spies'

'Don't be Afraid' is the most frequent command in the Bible. There are specifically 2 types of fear in the Bible. Think of it as the 'Fear Which Project'. One is detrimental and the other is encouraged. Which do you have? Hopefully it is the encouraged fear of the Lord. Can you imagine living with no fear?

As I'm writing this post, Matt Redman's song 'Never Let Go' is playing over and over again in my mind. It honestly sums it all up way better than I can. The lyrics say:

Even though I walk, through the valley, of the shadow of death - Your perfect love is casting out fear - And even when I'm caught - in the middle - of the storms of this life - I won't turn back I know you are near - And I will fear no evil - For my God is with me - and if my God is with me - Whom then shall I fear? - Whom then shall I fear?

There are a lot of brave women in the Bible. I just finished the Beth Moore Esther study and if you haven't done this already it is a must. Talk about a brave woman - Esther stood up to fear and came out on top. All in God's plan of course. With God on your side, who could be against you? Next time a killer moth flies right at me, I hope I remember to call on God to cast away my fear!

Have a fearless week!


Jimi said...

Great post. I thought of the old t.v. series "Newhart" when I saw hairball as a fear. One of his wife's fears was dustbunnies. It was a funny episode.

Pastor Jamie Ramussen did a series on Esther last year that was phenomenal. You can download it from the Scottsdale Bible Church website.

Thanks (all of you queens) for sharing your thoughts.

jj said...

Laughed at hairballs...I don't think I left any behind on my visit... already miss you guys and Phoenix!