Monday, April 27, 2009

(T)Ruth and Beauty

As I was reading this week I took my bookmark out at Chapter 6 and laughed. Here is a picture of what is on my bookmark.

I have to say, this was a tough topic to write for me. What woman wants to discuss the subject of beauty when there are too many expectations and opinions flying around! I don't wear make-up, have no problem going out in public with 3 day old bead-head, and don't shave my legs every day (or every week for that matter!). Growing up my mom said no man would ever marry me because I ate spaghetti with my fingers. Plus I ordered cheeseburgers and not salad. I'm not one to starve for appearance sake - I need food! People food - not rabbit food.

Beauty is a subject I cannot relate to very easily - or can I?
I decided to take it to the streets - aka my fellow choir members at church I roped in to this. I asked them (men and women) to answer this question:
'What makes a woman beautiful?'
Here are the responses I received:

Her spirit
When she is transparent and true and Jesus shines through!
Inner beauty - genuine kindness to others - Love of God
"God's make-up" :) and nothing else :)
The way she gazes at her husband and children.
How they share their love.
Her presence!
When I see the Lord's light in her eyes.
Her heart because it is through her heart that her eyes and face shine and she carries herself in the confidence of her Savior and Abba.

Wow - I didn't even give them that much time or direction and their responses were this amazing!
Now - how would I answer that question? I believe there are 3 kinds of beauty:

1 - Outer beauty

2 - Beauty from within

3 - Beauty in the eye of the Beholder - God!

Let's focus on number 3 because it's definitely the most important.
1 Peter 3:3-4 says:
'Do not let your adornment be merely outward - arranging the hair, wearing gold, putting on fine apparel - rather let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the incorruptible beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is very precious in the sight of God.'

Amen! Can I get another Amen? Ladies - primp all you want - tease, straighten and dye your hair - wax and bleach your eyebrows - enjoy your mani and pedi! But remember, your true beauty lies in your gentle and quiet spirit, precious in God's sight!

Here is what was so beautiful about Ruth...she was loyal to Naomi and because she was, she aligned herself with the Lord and His people. She didn't look back like Naomi's other widowed daughter-in-law Orpah (NOT Oprah ladies). Orpah's choice was to stay behind in Moab - in an un-Godly world of crime and violence - and she eventually perished. Ruth followed Naomi back to her homeland and flourished amongst God's people. Eventually she married again and bore a child on her way to staking her claim as a woman of the lineage of Jesus.

In Ms Understood Chapter 6, Jen says something I just cannot let go of...'Loving people isn't the same as condoing sin'. If I had a soap box I would preach this all day long. We don't have transparency in the church like we should. And guess what? We need it like a skinny kid needs cake! We have become shunners of future people of Christ - shame on us! God does hate sin - but He does NOT hate the SINNER. We should all be thankful because we have ALL fallen short. Everyone should be welcome in to the body of Christ - not just minor sinners - and who is to say what is minor when a sin is a sin?

Recently I heard someone say as Christians we are so busy telling the world what we are NOT, when we should shift our focus and tell them what we ARE. If we can love others without judgement, their hearts will be open to hear what the Holy Spirit will share with them through us.

This week, be a Ruth - not an Orpah. Follow God, not a nation.


jj said...

Amen to your blog this week! =) Funny, I wrote mine before I read Both sound like conversations we recently had together! My sleep patterns are still off, but it was worth it!!!