Saturday, May 16, 2009

America vs. Socialism vs. Christ

I could summarize my post with this:
You are called, He'll equip you, don't try to convince yourself that you're not qualified.
If Mary was qualified in God's eyes to be the mother of the Savior, you are qualified to make a difference in the life of another human being!

OK, you can stop there. Go forth, do well in His eyes: Love others.

But since I can't resist writing more...
I must start out by saying I love America, I love being American, I love my country.

However, I’m a Christian first. I’m a daughter of the King and then an American.

I once lived in a foreign country for about a year as a foreign exchange student. The country was a socialist country.

Socialism in political thought refers to economic theories of social organization advocating collective ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods, and a society characterized by equality for all individuals, with an egalitarian mehod of compensation. (Wikipedia)

I remember thinking that this economic approach would never work in the US. However, as a young Christian girl/woman, it made a lot of sense to me. I didn’t see a lot of poverty there. People’s basic needs were met. I also didn’t see a lot of “rich” people. Now, compared to the poverty experienced by much of the world’s population, these people were loaded – but not compared to that American dream/wealth. It was on organized way to redistribute wealth to all.

I don’t want to get into a big debate of Americanism and politics. However, I selected this example to point out that our way isn’t THE way. THE way is God’s way. It's called: Love others.

“Can you imagine:
-If Christians actually believed that God was trying to rescue us from the pit of our own self-addiction?
-What Americans would do if they understood over half of the world was living in poverty?

Do you think they would change the way they live, the products they purchase, and the politicians they elect? If we believed the right things, the true things, there wouldn’t be very many problems on earth.” (p. 176, slightly modified)

Now I must admit that I didn’t check these stats but I’m sure the editors of the book did:
If you make $35,000 annually you are in the top 4% in the world; $50K puts you in the top 1% (me). (p. 177)

The humans on this planet have the resources and the networks to SOLVE some of the world’s problems (hunger/starvation, disease, etc.). Christians have the knowledge and love of THE SOLVER (Savior) of the world’s problems (life vs. death). Those humans are YOU and ME.

It only makes sens that God would have the problems and the solutions right on the planet (yet we don't follow his directives so things don't get solved).

You can be involved in SOLVING a problem(s) in soooo many ways – creativity is a gift God has given us. For example:
- Redistribute your wealth (give money or property)
- Use your resources (time or skills/talents)

What does this look like:
- International missions (Helping a friend or stranger in a far away community)
- Local missions (Helping a friend or stranger in your community or one nearby)

Give to the poor (even if they make poor choices with your resources); feed to hungry; care for orphans, widows, lost, lonely, sick, etc.

You are not:
- Too young or too old
- You are not “unskilled or uncalled”
. God equips those He calls for service. You are called in that He has called every Christian of us to help others – to be the hands of feet of Christ.
That means you. That means me.

We all come with our own baggage (thinking we don't have enough time, being greedy, acting helpless or insecure, thinking we don't have anything of value to give, etc...). That includes me (mine is usually the "time issue"). But you know what, the God of the universe can help us overcome those issues. Seriously, if you don't think you have anything to give: Go make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and find someone on the street who looks hungry. Give it to them. "Feed them." This is only the start...

I once had a family member who said (and I quote): “The biggest problem in this state is all of the poor Mexican girls who get pregnant.” Really? Really? Are you serious? I wanted to scream. This was coming from a “wealthy” white woman who was once a teen mother.

I think we could focus on the problems in this world stemming from a lack of love toward others. And the Bible specifically points out that “rich” people have significant challenges in this world.

Since you have to have a computer or access to one to read this, you are probably considered “rich” in the world’s standards (make more than $2/day), what is your role in loving others? Solving the ills of this world? Sharing the love of Jesus with those you know and those you will meet?

The challenge -to focus on:
- Loving God
- Accepting God’s love for you
- Loving others
- Living out His purpose
for your life (He has one; he’ll equip you; you’ll be blessed)

And don’t let anyone tell you that you are too powerless, tainted by your background, inferior, broken or young. He called you. He’ll equip you. You’ll bless others. You’ll honor God. You’ll be blessed.

Live with Purpose!
If you are a Christian, perhaps Mary’s reaction will speak to you:
"I am the Lord’s servant. May it be to me as you have said.” – Mary