Friday, May 15, 2009


There is no greater joy than to have the priveledge of blessing others. Sometimes we even plan to go and do or "be a blessing", but when it's all finished and we stop and... we receive a blessing. God's economy just works differently than the world's (aren't we glad!) Jesus taught us this throughout His short stay on earth.
The last shall be first...
The least shall be the greatest...
The meek shall inherit the earth...
Love your enemies...
Be peacemakers...
Do others see us this way? Do our actions match our beliefs? What do you reflect?
In travelling I have noticed that Americans haven't left a good impression on the rest of the world. To the rest of the world we are seen as rich, demanding, impatient, rude and basically spoiled brat snobs. Sometimes that is a huge obstacle to overcome, but sometimes it makes Christ's light shine brighter. I have seen the huge impact that a caring Christian makes in the lives of others when a perceived "rich American" shows Christ's love. I actually had a kid ask me once: "Why would you, a rich American, come to my country and even talk to me?" My first thoughts were to teacher=rich...right! Then it God spoke to are being Christ to them. You are reflecting Me!
So in finishing this book here is my "take away". You are made by God. You are valuable to Him. You have a special unique plan that He has made for just for you. Celebrate who He has made you to be. Use who you are to make a difference for Him. Let nothing slow you down or keep you from serving Him. Let Him fill you up so you can pour out blessings on others. Now go and...
Reflect Christ!