Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Childlike Faith

Keeping God in the small stuff... What does that mean? When I first thought about this I thought "Sure God is in everything", however when I sat down to write about this I realized how many things I really do try to do on my own.
I remember as a kid when I had lost my shoes and I was getting yelled at because I misplaced everything all the time. I started bargaining with God that if he helped me find my shoes I would promise to love him forever.
Now I know that seems a little over the top, but I think God might actually smile when little kids come to him for the little things. I was trying to implement this thought during the week and found it was hard to go to God first instead of calling my husband or friends.
On Monday night, I was laying in bed after watching Law and Order and it was pitch dark. All I could think about was someone coming into the house and taking Baylor. I was really scared and nervous for a while and then remembered to pray about it. Immediately I felt a peace that could only come from God. I fell asleep right away and was amazed at how quickly God answered my prayer. I wonder how many things he would help us with if we just asked???