Saturday, March 7, 2009

How, not what

I spend a lot of time thinking about goals & outcomes, legacy and purpose. I am sure in my writings here on this blog I will revisit these topics:
· What is my purpose in life?
· What is my legacy – what will pass from me to others – now or upon my death?
· What are my goals and what should my goals look like?

These thoughts come down to one fundamental question: Am I living my one God-given life focused on the right things? There is no dress-rehearsal for life. This is it! So, am I using my life as I should? What does God say about this?

I think that Proverbs 31 gives Christian women of all walks and phases of life a description of what our lives should look like. Proverbs 31 is the “how I should live”. Other places in the Bible describe purpose (for a quick study on that topic, see Rick Warren’s the Purpose Driven Life). Proverbs 31 is not about purpose but rather about how I should live my life (according to God’s design).

Let me give some examples of the characteristics embodied in God’s design for women:
· Trustworthy
· Industrious; uses her hands for good
· Prepared; anticipates and prepares for hard times
· Hard worker; business woman
· Fit; presentable in appearance
· Seeks quality
· Helps poor & needy
· Independent; supportive
· Wise
· Kind in speech
· Respected by those close to her and in her community
· Loves God (this should probably be #1!)

Some have said that the Proverbs 31 woman is “out of date” and “not relevant” in contemporary life. Based on some of the qualities listed here, I’d beg to differ. I think these qualities are very applicable to the modern woman – whether a single woman, a stay-at-home mother, a working woman or an ‘mature’ woman. This passage does not say all women need to stay home, take care of their children/home school and sew while their husbands work – although that is acceptable too! This passage focuses on HOW women should live in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. It does not focus on the current debate of where women should spend their days. This is “how”, not “what”!

I personally revisit this passage often – to remind me HOW I should be living. I will be honest and say I struggle with living by this design. For example: Being Fit. Um, yeah. I guess I could use the standard ‘I’m too busy’ excuse. I am raising two toddlers as a single mother, keeping a household going, working, paying bills, volunteering, attending to my family and friends, etc. However, when I come back to Proverbs 31, I recognize that God has the best perspective for my life. If I’m not healthy (fit), how will I continue to fulfill all of the other roles He has for me – long term. I know this in my head. I understand it and yet I still struggle with it.

It is comforting to know that my Creator does indeed have the best in mind for me. Now, I need His strength in living it! If I live in His design, my questions about legacy will be answered. He’s designed these characteristics to be a central part of the legacy I will pass along to others – specifically to my children.

Next week I’ll comment on other struggles from HOW we should live our lives as daughters of the King of Kings even though it isn’t always easy.

Women – Spend some time reading this Proverbs 31. Reflect on it. Pray that God will reveal the deeper meanings of this passage to you and help you to apply them to your life – where you are today and where you are going. Don’t become overwhelmed by this passage. It’s the Bible. It’s all good. But, this passage was written for us!

Men – I’d encourage you to seek this in women, help your wife develop these characteristics, nurture your daughters in these ways and teach your sons to seek a wife with these qualities.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Motherly Advice

Let me just take a minute to introduce myself. I am Joyce. I am extremely excited about being asked to write my first blog! It's a new adventure for me...not so much the writing or the technology, but doing it for "adults"...because I am usually writing, teaching and leading children rather than adults. I have worked with kids for the past 29 years...please note I started when I was a kid! {smile} As a single (never married) adult I have enjoyed the blessing of putting most of my time and energy into the lives of so many kids. So I am a single adult with 100s of kids. Enough about goes my attempt at "adult" writing!

Though it may seem strange I am going to focus on Proverbs 31:1-9 this week. We don't know much about King Lemuel except that he listened to the advice of his mother. He received wise teachings from his mother and was "devoted to God". This got me thinking what would our world be like today if mother's gave this kind of advice to their sons AND their sons listened.

In a world so focused on outward beauty, looking younger, and having a good time...what would be different? King Lemuel's mother taught him that true leaders don't "play around" when it comes to picking a wife. So here's the challenge...are we just accepting the world's ideas or are we staying true to what we know is God's plan? Are we making those thoughts known to our kids OR are we just "hoping" they know it?

Think about some good motherly advice you received....from your mother or another wise lady. Now, are you pouring wise advice into others? Whether a parent, leader, or friend be sure you are getting wise & Godly advice, but also be sure you are giving wise & Godly advice to those around you.

Prayer: Please help me to seek, receive and listen to wise and Godly advice. In turn, let me be one that gives wise and Godly advice to those in need. God, may YOUR wisdom flow through me into the lives of others.

May you have a wonderful and wisdom filled week!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

"Sometimes it's hard to be a woman" -Tammy Wynette

I'm Miss Sarah Eileen Maurer
Sarah is Hebrew and means "princess"
Eileen is Irish and means "light" or "sunlight"
Maurer is German and Jewish and means "brick layer" or "wall builder"

Our world, country, society, culture, state, and city is full of lie's about what it means to be a WOMAN.
The magazines, radio, television commercials, movies, internet, and department stores scream at us to be:

  • Outwardly beautiful (hot or sexy)= skinny, muscular, large breasts, gorgeous hair, perfect makeup, and the latest new style and brand of clothing, oh and don't forget the perfume, waxed eyebrows, tan skin, and manicured nails
  • Successful, smart business woman who makes it to the top independently= the degree (masters of course), nice contemporary house/condo, expensive car, BeBe glasses, and don't forget the latest/newest/nicest laptop, I-phone, or Blackberry!
  • The perfect wife and do-it-all taxi and soccer mom= work a full time job, clean the house, have dinner on the table daily, do the laundry, pay the bills on time, keep the family's schedule, on top of being a full-time wife and mother

In Proverbs 31 God tells us to be:

  • (vs. 10)= Rare, Precious
  • (vs. 11)= Trustworthy
  • (vs. 12)= Kind
  • (vs. 13)= Work Joyfully
  • (vs. 14)= Do the extra mile to get choicest goods
  • (vs. 15)= Be Disciplined
  • (vs. 16)= Enterprising and prudent with money
  • (vs. 17)= Energetic
  • (vs. 18)= Good Steward
  • (vs. 19)= Diligent
  • (vs. 20)= Compassionate, generous
  • (vs. 21)= Provident
  • (vs. 22)= Elegant
  • (vs. 23)= Influential
  • (vs. 24)= Industrious
  • (vs. 25)= Poised
  • (vs. 26)= Wise
  • (vs. 27)= Manage home
  • (vs. 28)= Praiseworthy
  • (vs. 29)= Distinguished
  • (vs. 30)= God-fearing
  • (vs. 31)= Honored

When the world cares more about the outward appearance and material things in a woman's life, isn't it wonderful, encouraging, and peace-bringing to know that God cares more about the inner beauty, character, integrity, and heart of a woman?

Whenever I get discouraged because: I don't look like the model in the magazine but instead stand 5 foot 1.5 and have a 32A bra size, can't afford an expensive car but instead drive a beat up Honda Civic, shop at consignment/2nd-hand stores instead of the mall, and am not a wife or mother yet . . . . . I read Proverbs 31 and Galatians 5:22-23 and am reminded that God doesn't care about those things. He loves me for who I am and who He created me to be.

Character Counts!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fearing God

I love these verses! How awesome it is to have a blue print of what our life should be like. In today's society, there is so much talk about "women's rights" and being "free" to do what you want as a woman. I believe that when we find our role as a woman according to our KING, we are set free to live as he intended. How great is that!
Some people get offended by the way God's word is written and some people even say that they just don't believe that portion of the Bible. Well, pardon my frankness, but that's CRAP! We either believe all of God's word or none of it, it is not a thing to pick and choose. That being said, since we are called to be a Proverbs 31 woman, it is something we should strive to be everyday. This passage is titled, The Wife of Noble Character, but how can we all of a sudden be a wife like this, if we are not first a woman like this. No matter what your stage in life: married, single, student, mother, we can use God's design for us to guide our lives.
What is God trying to tell us here? I think that verse 30 sums it up...30 Charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. WOW! Do I really fear the Lord? What does that look like?
I came from a Young Life back ground. I was a Young Life leader and my husband and I LOVE Young Life. I was saved when I was a freshman in HS and came back on fire for the Lord. However, I never took my relationship any further than camp. I didn't read the Bible, I was stuck on the message that Jesus Loves Me--- "GRACE". Which is true and I needed desperately, but there is also a big portion of God's character that I was missing. He is GOD!!!! Powerful, Mighty and my Master. I am still working on fearing the Lord, and I think everyday that if I truly grasped that concept, my life would look a little different.
When I read Proverbs 31 10-31, I see a woman who fears and loves the Lord at the same time with all her heart. That is my goal, and I don't think I will ever perfect this concept, but I will read and learn and try to understand who God really is on a daily basis and will hope that the Lord grants me wisdom in understanding his true power and might!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Measuring Up!

My first blog and I have to write about being a Proverbs 31 woman? To be brutally honest, this particular passage of scripture is one that I've spent most of my adult life trying to avoid. Mostly because it makes me feel hugely inferior and it encompasses everything that I am NOT. I don't like to cook (vs. 13), I hate cleaning (vs. 27) and I've never clipped a coupon in my life (vs. 18). Although I do talk a lot...I'm pretty sure that not everything that comes out of my mouth is wise or even necessary for that matter (vs. 26). So how can I possibly relate to this scripture, and if this is God's model for a Christian woman then I am pretty much a complete failure. I needed some help with this so I decided to go straight to the source. I took my Bible and my journal and went out on the back porch to have a conversation with God. It wasn't an easy conversation to have because although I understand that this is his written word, I also know that he created me exactly the way I am. I believe he has given me many talents, but somehow those seem contradictory to what I read in Proverbs. What does this all mean? That I'm not living up to his expectations? Do I give up myself and try to fit into a mold of something I'm not? While I was trying to sort through it all, I kept hearing God's voice in the back of my head telling me to look again. To stop being so literal and to really grasp the meaning behind the words. So I went back to the scripture, this time with fresh eyes, and here's what I got. A Proverbs 31 women loves her husband and works hard to take care of her family. She's kind to others and helps those in need. But above all, and most importantly, a Proverbs 31 woman loves the Lord her God. Huh...maybe it's not so complicated after all. I mean loving my husband? That's easy. God blessed me with an incredibly wonderful, gifted and talented Christian man who loves me. I have two great kids that I would do anything for and I really enjoy helping others. As for loving the Lord, I would be nothing without Him. He is the one true constant in my life. The only One that I can depend on to never let me down. So... maybe it's time I stop fighting my perceptions of what I think a Godly woman is and start trying to discover the Christian woman that God wants me to be. I think I'll spend some more time in this passage this week and really try to listen to what God is telling me.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Proverbs 31 Super Woman

After reading Proverbs 31:10-31 I feel like I am one sandwich short of a picnic. I know this passage of scripture is important because it is talking to me, a woman, and is saying how I am to live my life, It also comes straight from God’s word. The Proverbs 31 woman is like the Jennifer Anniston of the entertaiment industry – everyone woman wants to be her and every man wants to be with her. I mean I can get the Rachel haircut, but can I get encompass the spirit of her personality?
But how am I supposed to live up to this ideal woman when I can’t grasp what the verses are saying? Seeking wool and flax, making bed coverings, not eating the bread of idleness – does this apply to me? Can I get flax at Target? I can’t sew and I have no idea if I eat bread that is idle – I eat a lot of bread and I'm ususally eating it while being idle on my couch so does this count? After a little research and a quick prayer for clarity, I started to break this passage down.
I started at the beginning again and this time I didn’t get any farther than the first verse.
Proverbs 31:10 reads ‘An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.’
Wow - now this takes me back to the best piece of advice I ever received as a teenage girl.
It started out with a crush. We were both juniors, I was in high school and he was in college. After a few weeks of knowing him, he stopped by to see me at work and introduced me to his FIANCEE!! I was bummed to say the least, but once I knew dating him was off the table, I really started paying attention to the advice and encouragement he had been giving me all along. His motive was purely to help me grow in Christ and although I don’t even remember his name, the one simple thing he told me still sticks in my mind today.
“Every man is looking for a Godly woman”
Excellent wife – more precious than jewels – are you following me people? (Ok now I’m just copying Beth Moore!!)
Hmmm, a Godly woman. Ok, my dad is a pastor…it’s in my blood to be a Godly woman right? Yeah we all know what they say about pasors kids though.
These words followed me everywhere - the rest of high school, college and my single working years after college. Every man I dated I knew was not the one because they were definitely not looking for a Godly woman!! When I finally met my husband at of all places, a club called The Lava Lounge, being a Godly woman had been placed on the back burner. I was 23 and all my friends were married and starting families after having earned their MRS in college. A night out with friends from work turned in to a God given chance encounter with a man who actually was looking for a Godly woman! And of all places at a dark night club with lamps glowing with neon lava!! He was playing the part of wing man that night for his best friend. I was playing the part of girl who did not know which direction she was headed. The Bible tells stories of God using the weak and let me tell you, I had the T-shirt!! I had no direction and a million wrong paths facing me. I had made choices I knew were wrong – nothing major – but definitely not along the path of the righteous. And then God blessed me with a Godly man who to this day encourages me to be a Godly woman - a Proverbs 31 woman. (Who apparently likes to shop just like me, but we’ll get in to that next week).
I would encourage you to read Proverbs 31 for what it is but don’t be discouraged by it. I’m a music lover and I love when a song comes around with powerful lyrics that just say it all. The song that describes the essence of who I am in it’s title ‘Free to be Me’ by Francesca Battistelli also sums up how I felt when faced with living up to the Proverbs 31 woman.
The lyrics say:
Got a couple bumps in my fender, I’ve got a couple rips in my jeans,
Trying to put the pieces together, perfection is my enemy
On my own I’m so clumsy, but on your shoulders I can see
I’m free to be me

Don’t try to be a Proverbs 31 woman in one week, it is something you should strive to be throughout your lifetime.
Thanks for reading!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Who do we think we are?

I'm Amy - and along with 6 other amazing women we have something to say! Proclaiming ourselves as Queens is maybe not the most humble thing in the world, but there is inspiration behind our name.
A good friend of mine, Big Sue, from my hometown gets so excited when I come back in to town to visit. She really makes a big deal out of me being there, much to the annoyance of her husband. He thinks it's very obnoxious and says, "Who do you think she is - the Queen of Sheba?". This scenario is pretty much true for how God feels about the women of His Kingdom. If we stray and come back to Him, he rolls out the red carpet and places a crown on our heads. We are all Queens to Him and we all qualify for His grace.

Living as a Godly woman in a secular world can be hard, especially if you have nobody to encourage you. We are 7 very different women leading very different lives and our hope is you will find one of us and say, "Hey - I feel the same way, I can totally relate!". You may not agree with all of us - but that is the point!
Each week we will take one topic and each day, one of us will express our viewpoint and write what God has put on our hearts to say.
Monday - Amy
Tuesday - Stacy
Wednesday - Coley
Thursday - Sarah
Friday - Joyce
Saturday - Kneka
Sunday - ElizaBeth
**Read our individual profiles to learn more about us!!**

Our first topic is Proverbs 31 - the Virtuous Woman.

Proverbs 31:10-31 is 22 verses of all the things we should be as a women of Christ and all the things we struggle to become as a women of the 21st century. At first glance, this virtuous woman has it all – she is perfection! How can any woman on planet earth - past or present - live up to that? Ever since Eve bit in to that apple, perfection is a concept that is not possible for any woman to uphold. God really doesn’t expect us to be or have it all does He? However much we wish it were true, do you know anyone who walks in the Spirit continuously? We will spend a few weeks discussing our individual views on what this passage of scripture says to us and how over a lifetime we can all become Virtuous Women in our own right.