· What is my purpose in life?
· What is my legacy – what will pass from me to others – now or upon my death?
· What are my goals and what should my goals look like?
These thoughts come down to one fundamental question: Am I living my one God-given life focused on the right things? There is no dress-rehearsal for life. This is it! So, am I using my life as I should? What does God say about this?
I think that Proverbs 31 gives Christian women of all walks and phases of life a description of what our lives should look like. Proverbs 31 is the “how I should live”. Other places in the Bible describe purpose (for a quick study on that topic, see Rick Warren’s the Purpose Driven Life). Proverbs 31 is not about purpose but rather about how I should live my life (according to God’s design).
Let me give some examples of the characteristics embodied in God’s design for women:
· Trustworthy
· Industrious; uses her hands for good
· Prepared; anticipates and prepares for hard times
· Hard worker; business woman
· Fit; presentable in appearance
· Seeks quality
· Helps poor & needy
· Independent; supportive
· Wise
· Kind in speech
· Respected by those close to her and in her community
· Loves God (this should probably be #1!)
Some have said that the Proverbs 31 woman is “out of date” and “not relevant” in contemporary life. Based on some of the qualities listed here, I’d beg to differ. I think these qualities are very applicable to the modern woman – whether a single woman, a stay-at-home mother, a working woman or an ‘mature’ woman. This passage does not say all women need to stay home, take care of their children/home school and sew while their husbands work – although that is acceptable too! This passage focuses on HOW women should live in whatever circumstances we find ourselves. It does not focus on the current debate of where women should spend their days. This is “how”, not “what”!
I personally revisit this passage often – to remind me HOW I should be living. I will be honest and say I struggle with living by this design. For example: Being Fit. Um, yeah. I guess I could use the standard ‘I’m too busy’ excuse. I am raising two toddlers as a single mother, keeping a household going, working, paying bills, volunteering, attending to my family and friends, etc. However, when I come back to Proverbs 31, I recognize that God has the best perspective for my life. If I’m not healthy (fit), how will I continue to fulfill all of the other roles He has for me – long term. I know this in my head. I understand it and yet I still struggle with it.
It is comforting to know that my Creator does indeed have the best in mind for me. Now, I need His strength in living it! If I live in His design, my questions about legacy will be answered. He’s designed these characteristics to be a central part of the legacy I will pass along to others – specifically to my children.
Next week I’ll comment on other struggles from HOW we should live our lives as daughters of the King of Kings even though it isn’t always easy.
Women – Spend some time reading this Proverbs 31. Reflect on it. Pray that God will reveal the deeper meanings of this passage to you and help you to apply them to your life – where you are today and where you are going. Don’t become overwhelmed by this passage. It’s the Bible. It’s all good. But, this passage was written for us!
Men – I’d encourage you to seek this in women, help your wife develop these characteristics, nurture your daughters in these ways and teach your sons to seek a wife with these qualities.