Saturday, June 13, 2009

rolling eyes

I'm not a prayer warrior. I don't pray elegant, wordy prayers.

My prayer life is simple (and yet complex because I'm taking to my Maker, Father, Healer, Provider, etc.). It's a conversation.

Conversations include talking, thinking, quietness, listening, repeat. Basically it is talk and listen (whether you are my mother, sister, child, friend, colleague, or my God).

Recently, I was a passenger in a car with along with my two little kids. We were waiting for our car to be done at the garage. A one hour wait had turned into 3.5 hours. 2 kids 3 and under. Hot Arizona day. No naps. We were all ready for the car to be finished.

I prayed out loud so all could hear: "God, thank you for our car. Please let our car be ready when we get back to the garage." It came naturally. It was my heart. It was a focus for my children - to pray when in need and even about the little things. Know God. Talk with Him. Trust Him with little issues (and big ones).

The other adult in the car did a quick eye roll and then said - "That is just weird." I explored it more and our driver expressed an opinion that prayer was not like that. I didn't argue. I was too tired, hot, short fused from the day. Instead, I prayed silently that whatever I said (verbally or with body language) would be a good example.

Here is what I came up with: "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." - I Thessalonians 5:16-18

Again, to me - prayer is a conversation. I talk to my friends about the little things (and the big). It's about asking, seeking, thanking, and asking for others. What happens is a trusting relationship that can bring peace in difficult circumstances and can help us avoid being prideful of our accomplishments in good times.

"THANK YOU GOD for all that you have done, are doing, and will do in my life! Please continue to let me know what you'd like from me - to turn left or right or stop or go. Thank you for listening to me, for providing my needs and so much more!"

My prayers of late include:

  • Send me where you'd like me to be.

  • Develop self-control in my child.

  • Minimize insecurities in my other child.

  • Keep us safe.

  • Thank you for all you've given to us.

  • Please continue to allow me to hear You.

  • Peace in my extended family.

  • Justice and mercy.

  • Thank you for my gainful employment.

  • Wherever I am, please use me each day.

  • Should you be planning to bring me a husband, please be preparing his heart today.

  • You are wonderful. Thank you so much for Jesus!

  • Please forgive me when I say the wrong things and have the wrong attitude.

  • Please help me to be a better example of Christ's love.

RAK: I recently took in a cat that needed a home. My friend's other cat had been killed by a bobcat. My friend was frantic and needed to find the remaining cat a home. I took it in. (I think I'll be looking for a new home for this cat in a few weeks as it has not integrated well in our home but it was the right thing to do at the time).

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Prayer Is The Voice of Faith

(Mark 9:23) If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes

(Romans 8:26)The Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groaning which cannot be uttered.
The Holy Spirit intercedes for us. Intercession means to help by joining in an activity or effort. God’s Spirit is touched by our troubles. He sighs often as He prays. He cares for us deeply—more than we care for ourselves. He knows the right words to say/God’s will (vs. 27).
I see children reach up their hands to their mom or dad, eager to get their attention. It reminds me of my own efforts to reach up to God in prayer. As Christians we are to focus on loving and praying. Love seems to be the most difficult and prayer is the most confusing. My weakness lies in not knowing the exact thing for what I am supposed to pray. Should I pray that others will be delivered from their troubles—or that their troubles will go away? Or should I pray for courage to carry on through the difficulties that overstress them?
We need to not worry about getting our request/prayers exactly right. We only need to hunger for God and to reach up, knowing that He cares.
When praying, it’s better to have a heart without words than words without hear

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Talking to God

Prayer to me is something I have struggled with my whole life. I have battled with questions such as "Why does a God need me to pray?" "If God is almighty and can do anything why does he need me to pray?". Well, I don't think that I can answer these questions 100% on this side of heaven, but I have come up with something helps me understand a little better. I know in the Bible it has a few examples of God "changing his mind" because of prayers. But what does that really look like?
Here is what I have come up with in my time with the Lord. We are supposed to be in an intimate relationship with our Savior Jesus. When I think about what my relationships look like in my daily life, I think about the constant communication I am in with my husband and friends. Why wouldn't I want to be in constant communication with Jesus? I view prayer as my way to be in a deep relationship with Jesus. Talking to him all day long about anything and everything and it also helps me keep God in the small stuff like we talked about last week!
Have a great week talking to God!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Dear God

Dear God,
     I went to this wedding and they kissed right in church.  Is that ok?- Neil
Dear God,
     Please send Dennis Clark to a different camp this year.- Peter

Dear God,
     Thank you for the baby brother, but what I prayed for was a puppy.- Joyce
                     (Joyce was this you???)

Dear God,
     I think about you sometimes, even when I am not praying.- Elliott

Dear God,
    If you watch in church on Sunday I will show you my new shoes.- Mickey D.

Dear God,
     I bet it is hard for you to love all of everybody in the world.  There are only 4 people in my family and I can never do it.- Nan

Dear God,
     Instead of letting people die and having to make new ones, why don't you just keep the ones you got?- Jane

Dear God,
     Are you really invisible or is that just a trick?- Lucy

Out of the mouths of babes.  Somehow there is nothing more pure and sweet than the prayers of a child.  They don't use big fancy words or try to impress anyone with their lengthy oracle, they  simply talk to  God about what's on their mind.  And afterall, isn't that what prayer is all about... talking to God about what's on our matter how big or how small.  

A few years ago I took to journaling my prayers.  I found that when I write my prayers down I stay more focused.  I also found that I lose some of my inhibitions and my prayers become more meaningful and much more intimate.  I begin talking to God like he's my best friend.  In my journal I keep an area set aside for specific prayer requests.  I date those requests and  when, they are answered I go back to the request and write the date it was answered and how.  It is a HUGE testament to the power of prayer and is a great reminder of just how great our God really is!    

**Walking back from the Mercury game on Saturday night the girls and I gave a man down on his luck a few bucks.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Spot On

Growing up my family sat down for dinner together every night at 5pm. My father would ask my sister or I to pray, and it really didn’t matter which one did because we both always prayed the same prayer.

“Dear God thank you for this food and our family and please help every one who is sick and in the hospital.”

It’s a wonder my dad never said anything about it because I’m pretty sure it wasn’t altogether that sincere.

God communicates with us through the Bible and the Holy Spirit. We communicate with God through prayer. Prayer is not only helpful, it’s necessary. If you had a friend that kept reaching out to you and you never did so in return, odds are you will not be friends for very long. You will not know them and they will not know you. It isn’t any different with God.

Romans 12:12 says to be constant in prayer.
Matthew 9:38 says pray earnestly.
First Thessalonians 5:17 says pray without ceasing.

I tend to think of prayer as a formality. It is a big mistake to pray this way and I find when I fall in to this trap, I am not being very sincere. Prayer should be personal and intentional. It is also something we should not take lightly. Have you ever had a friend tell you something and you have responded “I will be praying for you”, knowing full well you have no intention of doing it? I find myself doing this often and it is so irresponsible of me.

I have to admit prayer is one thing I’m not all too comfortable with. I have a very hard time with it. I find it hard to focus and not let my mind wander to other things during prayer. If I’m by myself, prayer can all too quickly turn in to a mental to do list. If I’m in a group, I tend to focus on what I am going to pray when it’s my turn and by doing so I am not listening to the prayers of others.

Once as an adult I was asked to pray prior to a meal with family. We were all having lunch and then going to the Fiesta Bowl Parade in downtown Phoenix. About half way through the prayer I started to get tongue tied and felt stupid with what I was saying, so I ended my prayer with, “And dear God, please don’t let any balloon characters get out of control and take us out in the crowd.” Everyone laughed and I felt redeemed. In reality, I made a mockery out of my prayer and therefore out of God. There is a fine line between humorous prayers and humorous praying.

The other day I was at my parent’s house and my dad disappeared into the garage. He was out there for a while and I started to get worried thinking maybe he fell or something. I asked my mom if we should check on him and she said no, that he goes out there a lot just to pray. He just needed a little alone time with God and so he went to his spot where he could focus and pray intentionally. I think this is a great idea. Since then, I have taken to spending my prayer time on my front porch swing. It’s a cozy and semi-private spot and as I sit on the swing, it’s like God is there with me.

My porch swing...aka my prayer spot!

Here are some great quotes I found regarding prayer:

“Some people pray just to pray and some people pray to know God”

“There is a mighty difference between saying prayers and praying.”

“Wishing will never be a substitute for prayer”

“Is prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?”

“When I pray, coincidences happen, and when I don’t pray, they don’t.”

“Pray and let God worry.”

“Courage is fear that has said its prayers.”

Find a spot you can share with God this week and have a converstation. Do it often and make it count! Have a great week!!

**At the Dollar store I was in line with 30 items and there were long lines. The lady behind me had 3 items so I let her go in front of me. Small but kind.**