- verse 30: Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
Let me share something with you: I've never understood the concept of "Fear the Lord".
In the post this week, I've focused on Fearing the Lord. I took some time this week to learn more about this somewhat foreign topic (at least to me!).
Question: What does it mean to "fear the Lord"?
Summary of what I discovered this week:
There are two main definitions for the ‘fear’ in ‘Fear the Lord’ that I’ll summarize into 2 words:
a) terror
b) respect
Thankfully, I’ve never felt terror when thinking about God, Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Nope, never. I think that might be reserved for unbelievers (but I’m not 100% sure).
I can think of so many times I have not lived as God would desire -when I've made bad financial decisions (with His money), wasted time (the time He's given me), when I've said unkind words and so much more. However, as a believer, I have been and continue to seek to be respectful of God and that means that I continue to seek a life that honors God.
Why fear (respect) the Lord? When we are respectful, we:
· Listen
· Seek clarity
· Seek to make the best decisions possible
When we lack respect we tend to focus on our own impulses and often make foolish choices resulting in decisions with poor results.
What does it look like? A daily or perhaps hourly prayer like this:
Oh Lord, hear my plea. I am very tempted to do things my way. I keep thinking that “the end with justify the means.” In my heart, I know that this isn’t true, but in my head…well, I just want this so much!
Instead, I pray that You will fill my heart with a trust and respect for You beyond what I can even imagine. Please give me the desire to do what is right, what you have instructed…to ask for what I desire but to be patient in waiting for your response and for respecting your decision. Help me to respect all of the guidelines you’ve given to me…help me to respect you each moment of each day – in speech, attitude and action. Help me to turn away from the things that I know are wrong. Amen.
Some things are always ‘wrong’ (Ten Commandments) while other things are more subtle or in the "gray-zone" as I like to say. Example: Is taking a vacation “wrong”? I don’t think so – usually. The Bible instructs that we need times of rest. However, it may be ‘wrong’ if we are not living within our means and go in debt for that vacation.
So, what does a life with respect (fear) of the Lord really look like?
· Living within your means
· Speaking kindly and gently to others versus spouting out unkind words to ‘make your point’ (wrong approach) – OK, this is sometimes difficult for me!
· Waiting instead of PUSHING, Pushing, pushing to achieve personal desires.
If you know that what you are pursuing is what God would desire, pursue and advocate if necessary (i.e., when the system challenges the Godly pursuit). But, avoid making doors open to get what you want when you know that God would rather you wait – or perhaps He’s already said “No!”
· Saying “I’m sorry”.
· Sharing – your time and our stuff.
I’m good at sharing stuff but I need to work on better use of my time!
· Spending time learning more about God.
If you respect Him, follow through by listening and seeking clarity.
How? Read your Bible, talk to God (prayer) and perhaps seek advice from other Christians.
I’ll pray for you: that you will be in fear of the Lord…that you will develop a respect for the Lord your God…that your attitudes, words and actions will demonstrate this respect (fear).