Saturday, May 23, 2009

Joy in the Unplanned

Have you ever been challenged by negative thoughts or depression? I have never personally suffered from true depression (thankfully) but I have gone through periods where I’ve just wondered: “God, just answer me one question: Why?” And in those journeys, I have sometimes lost the joy that normally accompanies me.

I recently finished a book entitled When I Lay My Isaac Down by Carol Kent. This was a very good yet challenging book (I cried through every chapter). Carol writes about our need to let go of our “Isaacs” in order to embrace God’s plan in our lives. An Isaac is any unexpected experience that can/has drastically changed our plans/hopes/dreams for our own future. These are the things we need put aside so that we may move toward His plans/hopes/dreams for our future – even when we don’t like it and/or can’t comprehend the answer to the “why” question.

An Isaac could be:

  • The picture you had for your family that has changed as a result of a divorce, death of a spouse, death of a child or incarceration of a family member

  • The picture you had for your life that has not been realized
  • Loss of identity/income/lifestyle when one loses a job

  • Loss of health due to cancer or another illness
  • Birth of a child with special needs, etc.
These are all examples of “Isaacs” as in when Abraham was called to put side his dreams for his son – the son God had promised him and had outlined great plans for years earlier. God was now instructing Abraham to sacrifice his Isaac as an act of obedience. Can you imagine??

Abraham knew and trusted God with THE BEST PLAN and after many years of ‘walking with God’, wise Abraham knew that God must have a mighty plan albeit a different plan and one Abraham couldn’t yet comprehend. In obedience, Abraham literally “laid his Isaac down”.

I actually can imagine this request. I had a very similar request for my child (although God didn’t specifically instruct me to kill my son; FYI, that would just be wrong in the New Testament error in which we live!).

Over the course of less than a year, I had three distinct Isaac moments in which God challenged me to trust Him with His plan. These three distinct moments included:

  • The end of a marriage via divorce (changed vision of my family)

  • The near loss of a child in which I was called to obedience in the journey (so much so that I changed my child’s middle name to Isaac even before reading this book!)
  • The death of a close family member (changed vision of my family)

  • The incarceration of a close family member (changed vision of my family)
I now consider two of these experiences real blessings in my life. The other…I’m not there yet.

I do trust God that He has THE plan for my family and although the future will always look and feel different than anyone in my family had ever imagined, blessings will come and a close walk with the Lord is the obedience He is currently (and always) seeking…even when there isn’t an answer to: “God, just answer me: Why?”

Are you in a season of your life where the plans you’d made have changed? Have you lost your job? Did your spouse walk out on your marriage/family? Are you terminally ill? Has a close family member died? Are you new to raising a child with special needs? In other words: Does your future look different from what you’d planned?

If you are hurting, I encourage you to consider “Laying Your Isaac Down”, trusting that the Creator of the Universe as an incredible plan for your life regardless of how different that life is from the one you’d dreamed or the one that just seems logical.

Joy can return. Goodness can come out of sorrow and pain. How do I know? I’m a walking testament. He can do amazing things when you trust and obey Him even if you are living the life you hadn’t prayed for…unspeakable pain, seemingly hopeless circumstances, relentless grief, endless sorrow, etc.

Joy defined: “intense happiness of great delight, that which gives rise to this emotion, or on which the emotion centers.”

Understanding authentic joy requires us to focus on “that which gives rise to the emotion”: God. Jesus. Holy Spirit.

As Christians, we have hope! With hope, joy can return…even if the journey is not as we’d have ever planned.

Joy is having God on the inside regardless of what is going on outside! It’s centered around faith, endurance, obedience, love.

Instead of "Why?", a better focus in unexpected circumstances is:
-What next?
-How can I use this experience to bless others?
-What is the next chapter about?

Friday, May 22, 2009

Get Soaked

I just love Summer Church Camp with Kids! This summer I will attend my 20-something year of many...I've lost count! =) I love discipling kids and "getting away from it all" to connect with kids and see them connect with God.

Several summers ago (like 8-10 years ago), I was at a camp and during our Worship break-outs there was an "Art" station. The leader asked that everyone get still and quiet (just what kids do best-ha, but they did) and focus on listening to God by reading the Bible or just listening. After listening and hearing from God, we were to use the art things to create something that represented what God was telling you. I don't remember what scripture I read that day, but God placed an image in my head. It was a large waterfall coming out of large rocks. I was standing at the bottom getting soaked. Then all around the edges were kids. No faces, just kids. So I got a piece of paper and drew a very rough sketch of it with some markers. Folded it, stuck it in my Bible and went onto the next station.

What God was telling me at the time was:

  • He is the living water, fresh from the Rock.
  • Let Him soak me.
  • Then to get the kids wet.

At the time I was a lay leader in a large church with a huge Children's Ministry. I felt God was confirming that Children's Ministry was the right place and I was to keep serving the kids! I had no idea (at that time) that He would eventually give me a Full-Time assignment on staff at a church! I just thought it was a cool moment spent with God. When I got home I place that picture somewhere and just went on with life.

I just LOVE how God works...

About 2 years ago, after moving to a new church in SC, my parents came for a visit and we went to the upstate & NC to do some Waterfall viewing. There are MANY waterfalls in this area. I have always enjoyed photographing waterfalls. I thought it sounded like a wonderful "get-away" and relaxing. Mom researched all the locations and picked the "best" ones...Dad drove and I was just tagging along with my camera! One of the falls was down a long trail (uphill trail). I actually struggled getting there, but eventually made it. I couldn't believe looked JUST like the picture I had of that waterfall at camp. I took LOTS of pictures. It was such a God moment. Now at this moment God was confirming the long move to SC and the desire to reach kids in creative ways at my new church!

But God wasn't finished...

Last month we had so many kids to baptize that instead of all of them being in one service we split them between the 2 services. We have a portable baptistry that we set up and we just wear shorts & t-shirts over our swimsuits as we baptize. It was such an exciting an busy day! In fact, we did an "come now" call to any adults who wanted to get baptized and total baptisms on that day... 38...Go God! Anyway, it was such a busy and crazy day that I dried off, but actually never had the chance to get out of my wet clothes before the 2nd Service started. Kids were running up to hug me and I was telling might get wet...they didn't care. Then that waterfall thought popped back in my get others wet with the living water. =)

So here's "Get Soaked" means to me now:

  • Be drenched in the Living Water.
  • Get others wet.
  • Go back to the Rock for constant resoaking.

It's not just a "one time" thing! It continues. So are you soaked? If not, go to Jesus and let Him fill you up, then pour out on others...just be sure to resoak!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

HopeKids Devotions by Pastor Roby Cottrell that touched my life lately

Let Your Light Shine!
One of my favorite quotes of all time..."Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure! It is our Light, not our darkness, that frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world."There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are born to make manifest the Glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us. It's in everyone. And as we let our own Light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our fears, our presence automatically liberates others."- Marianne Williamson
As I have stepped out/branched out in my life this week by going to CHOP; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia in PA I have struggled with this idea and felt pulled both ways; wanting to be humble/reserved/more quiet while I soak it all in and really listen more than talk, and only ask questions when appropriate BUT there are times that I can't help myself; I am so filled with joy, excitement, knowledge, ideas, and questions . . . . . . sometimes I want to stay calm/quiet not to upset/weird out my 2 fellow interns, but then I am reminded that Christ lives in me and for people to see Him shine in my life; I have to be visible, audible, seen, and known for what I do for and through Him; ultimately glorifying God in all I do, say, and think.

The Healing Power of Faith
I don't like religion. I don't like the church. I love Jesus. I don't know what your religious beliefs are. I can tell you without any hesitation that you are spiritual. We all are. It is our very nature.More and more, scientists are coming to realize the physical benefits of faith in God. The evidence continues to increase. Let me share some of that with you from Dr. Harold G. Koenig's book "The Healing Power of Faith."The overwhelming scientific evidence is that those who have a deep faith or belief system - meaning that they believe in and have a relationship with God, have a life filled with prayer, worship and service to others - benefit enormously from their faith.Here is some of the evidence: Statistically, they live seven years longer; they heal more quickly from disease; the length of hospital stays is shorter; less medication is needed; stress is reduced; and much more.If you don't have a strong belief in God, all the evidence in the world will not make you a believer. But it may intrigue you enough to find out more. The way you do that is easy: just ask.I am not talking about attending church more or "cleaning up your act." I would simply encourage you to ask God to reveal Himself to you. Ask Him to show you the truth about who He is. The result may be longer life and better health. You have nothing to risk and possibly much to gain.
This reminds me of my t-shirt that says "Jesus is not Religion." A lot of people; even Christians do not know what this means. I always tell them that Christianity is not a set of rules, prayers, and things you need to say or do, but it is all about a relationship w/Jesus.

I am enjoying Philly very much and riding 45 minute trains to and from work every day is an experience in and of itself. God is showing me so much about my past, present, future, and revealing His will, His way, His reasoning, and His love to me so much this summer!

-In Christ, Miss Sarah Eileen Maurer

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


As most of you know I am a mom of a little boy, Baylor, who is full of energy and 18 months old. I am also 15 weeks pregnant tomorrow. I am so blessed and I know that, but I have to admit that my life has not been full of roses these last few weeks. Just as I write this I have to laugh because Baylor just ran up to me and said "I wove you mum" and then turned around and threw his ball in the dog dish which I have told him not to do about 50 million times today!!!!! AHHHHH!!!
Have you ever wondered why motherhood, which is such a blessing, is so darn hard??? Don't get me wrong, I love that I get to play a huge part in raising my child(ren) because most mom's these days don't get that luxury. But some days I want to run away and not come back. The funny thing is that if I have to be away from him for more than a few hours, I miss him so much that all I think about is what I am missing.
I just read an article that featured 5 women that recently got laid off from their jobs. One mom was saying how hard it was for her to be away from work because the work of raising her children was much harder and she was ready to go back to work! Some days, I know what she means!
I have been sick from baby number two and the stress of trying to care for Baylor while having to stop reading him a book to go throw up is getting to me. I am tired and feel like I can't do any more. But just then the Lord reminds me that he created me to be his mom and to love and nurture him and somehow I just do it. No matter how many things you had to deal with that day, when your child gets hurt and only wants mom, that makes it all ok!
So in honor of Mother's Day I just want to say WAY TO GO to all the moms out there. Your work does not go unnoticed even though most days it feels that way. I know I am just starting to understand the sacrifices my mom made for me and I am 24! Thanks mom! HAPPY MOTHER"S DAY (late)!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

More Than a Game

Our family is all about soccer. My girls play year round....outdoor, indoor, 3v3...futsol....I'm their team manager and my husband is an assistant coach. We also play in a coed soccer league on Friday nights. It is never ending game for us, but we love it. We feel very fortunate that our girls get to play for a Christian soccer club. The club really values church and family and encourages community service. Their motto is MORE THAN A GAME meaning it's not just about who wins the most games or takes home the biggest trophy, but it's about character and sportsmanship and letting the light of Jesus shine through us. Our girls/parents take this very seriously. We do a devotion every night at training and we pray before and after every game. (They girls do this thing where they huddle up and everyone has to touch someone while we pray.)

MORE THAN A GAME became real to our girls during state cup this year. After winning on Saturday, the girls advanced to the next round and were playing a tough game against Freedom Fuego out of Tucson. It was an important game for both teams. The winner would move on to the semi finals but the losing team would be knocked out of state cup. We were down 1-0 at the half. A few minutes into the second half of the game one of the Fuego players took a hard kicked ball right in the face. She was knocked out immediately. She fell to the ground and didn't get up. For a moment, no one noticed that she wasn't moving and play continued. Finally, the ref realized what was happening and blew the whistle. As the Fuego coaches and trainers ran out onto the field it became apparent that this was very serious. Immediately, our girls circled up on the field and began praying for the injured player. Our parents and coaches on the sidelines huddled up and also began to pray. As the paramedics arrived, the player was conscious, but barely moving. She was taken by ambulance to the hospital. It was a scary situation for all. The refs continued the game, but our girls hearts weren't in it. They couldn't get their minds off the injured player that was carried off the field on a stretcher. Somehow, winning didn't seem very important anymore. The girls were even willing to forfeit the game. It ended with a 2-0 loss, knocking us out of state cup, but the girls weren't concerned with the score. They only wanted to find out how the injured player was. A few of our parents went over to pray with the other team's parents and many more expressed their concern. The Fuego parents were blown away by the love that our team showed them. They said that they have never seen anything like that in competitive soccer before. We kept in touch with their team over the next few days and got regular updates on their injured player. We are happy to report that she is doing well. She had a minor concussion and black eye, but is recovering nicely. That isn't the end of the our story though. The Fuego team played the next weekend at Reach 11 and our players and parents were there on the sidelines to cheer them on. (they won!) The girls got a get well card for the injured player who unfortunately, had to sit out that game. The Fuego parents and players were so excited to see us there and couldn't believe that we would show up to support them. They hugged us, thanked us and took lots of pictures. They said that we were the classiest team they have ever met. We know that this is only the beginning of a long lasting friendship between the two teams!

What a great lesson for our girls! We are different. We are CCV STARS!

(Here is some of the team with Shania, the player that got injured.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Big Kiss-off!

When you are a kid, it’s easy to make friends. Picture yourself on the playground – you spot a new girl – she comes over to you and says “I like your shoes!” You reply, “I like your barrettes! Want to go play on the swings?” You join hands and skip away without a care in the world, just you and your instant BFF.

As an adult it’s just not that simple, or so I’ve found. Lives change, priorities change, people change. It’s hard to make time to invest in yourself yet alone others. It's more about quality and not so much quanity.

Back in the Spring of 1994, I was just back from a college semester abroad in London and feeling very cosmopolitan and hip and yet a little out of the loop. My best friend and roommate had moved in to an off campus 1 bedroom apartment – great for parties. At one of the first parties, the un-thinkable happens – I violated rule #1 – a hook up with my best friends crush. I got caught kissing the boy, get kicked out, the friendship was over.

My best memories from college revolve around this friend who surely would have been a bridesmaid in my wedding. The boys name was Bubba. I lost my best friend for kissing a boy named Bubba. How dumb could I be? Knowing I was in the wrong I tried to make it right but to no avail. We never spoke after that night.

Now fast forward to the present…thanks to Facebook my former best friend contacted me and we restored our friendship. This Wednesday we get to see each other for the first time in 15 years!! We are meeting for a girls only night at the Opryland hotel and will probably stay up all night catching up – I cannot wait! She cannot wait!! We both cannot believe we haven’t spoken in so long because of a silly boy named Bubba!!

You might have your own version of this story to tell. Friendship is hard – you have to commit time and energy to make it work.

Proverbs 27:6
‘Faithful are the wounds of a friend, profuse are the kisses of an enemy.’

What does this mean? I left wounds in my friend by betraying her trust. Sometimes wounds from a faithful friend come from telling the truth instead of sugar coating. A true friend is someone who isn’t afraid to deal with the hard and ugly things as well as the good. Isn’t this what Christ does for us? He doesn’t always tell us what we want to hear but rather what we need to hear. I would rather have this kind of friendship with my Savior, who is capable of healing my wounds, then kisses from the enemy because I know no matter how desirable those kisses seem at the time, just like the kisses with Bubba. In the end it will lead us to sin, be eternally destroyed and banished infinitely in hell.

My husband and I are in Nashville this week for my sister-in-law's high school graduation. I think back to my graduation and can remember someone sang Michael W Smith's song 'Friends are Friends Forever' at the ceremony. The chorus goes like this:

And friends are friends forever,
if the Lord's a Lord of them
And a friend will not say never
cause the welcome will not end
Though it's hard to let you go
In the Fathers hand we know
That a lifetimes not too long to live as friends

At the time, I just saw the song as an anthem for my teen angst. High school was over and we were all headed in different directions, but according to the song, we'd always remain friends. Now I see that the song is actually encouraging me to nurture and appreciate meaningful relationships, to develop a few close friends and build those relationships for a lifetime.

You know the saying if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck then it must be a duck? Think about friends you have had throughout your lifetime where your behavior patterns have changed based on who you surround yourself with. It is true we are the company we keep. The most important characteristic a friend should have is the love of Christ in them - so it's time to give Satan the big kiss-off and remember...friends are friends forever, if the Lords THE LORD of them!

(My fortune cookie today read 'The time is right to make new friends'. You think God is trying to tell me something?)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

You are mine!

Okay... it's the last week of school... I am over committed... been grading papers all day... my eldest daughter is in on her first trip without us... and the youngest daughter has never-ending homework...  So, forgive my brief post. 

My take away thoughts from Ms. Understood: 

#1 - I am resting in the truth that I am one of God's favorites. This truth warms my heart and puts a bright smile on my face and confidence to tackle all that is thrown my way. 

#2 - Mary's story gives me hope that I am not too young, too old or too unprepared to be used by my God. God has never told anyone that were too this or too that to be part of his plan!

#3 - Tamar and Bathsheba remind me that I can be used in God's plan - no matter what the world says or thinks of me or even when I cannot see his plan.

#4 - Ruth provides faith... that no matter what direction or difficulties life serves up... God is faithful. 

#5 - Its time to live with a heart full and confident knowing I am loved, treasured and adored by the God of the universe. 

#6 - Rest in this personal message:  Isaiah 43:1 - Fear not, for I have redeemed you;
I have summoned you by name; you are mine!

One more Monday... 
7 more days of this school year... 

Rest is coming but, peace is consistent.
