Saturday, March 28, 2009


I suggested the topic of purity and I must admit that I’ve had a difficult time knowing what to write.

The one word that keeps running through my mind is: intent.

So, here is what I think I’m hearing from the Lord:
Scripture: Flee the evil desires of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. – 2 Timothy 2:22

Honestly, living a life of purity wasn’t even on my radar screen until my late 20s. I used to be very flirtatious, pursue getting things (mostly position vs. material possessions) that weren’t necessarily Godly, and be with friends when I needed them for something instead of when they might need me, etc.

So, I think about flirting. Why do people flirt? Sex? Thrill? To lure? Socially acceptable? Something to do? Not sure what else to do? Like the feeling? All of these reasons are the “intent” for ones actions. None of those reasons appear pure.

God’s design for us is either singlehood or one partner for life – a spouse. If you are really looking for a spouse, I’m not sure flirting is God’s design for us to pursue a relationship of this magnitude.

So, I ask you: Why do you do what you do (and this could mean in how you approach your job, volunteerism, child rearing, friendships, your marriage, etc.)?

  • Volunteer: Do you volunteer to help others because they need it and you've been called to do so or do you volunteer because it makes you feel good?
  • Argue: Do you argue to get your way because you want to be right or should you take another approach to respond the way Jesus would have responded – directly but lovingly?
  • Prayer: Do you pray without ceasing for God to give you want you want or that you want a certain thing but will accept His answer even if it differs from your want? I think: Thine will be done vs. My will or I'll rage!
  • Friends: Do you support your friends or just use them when convenient for you?
  • Spouse: Why do you seek a spouse so intently? Are you trying to cover up feelings of loneliness?
  • Marriage: Do you behave in your marriage in the ways outlined by God. For women, do you hold out on sex to control situations? Do you cry, grumble or scream to get what you want? Or, do you honor your husband, support him, show respect and demonstrate love?
  • Parenting: Do you approach parenting from a Godly way or do you position yourself with your children with this attitude: I’m bigger and wiser and I’m going to make you do what I want vs. there are some really important things we need to work on so that you grow up to be a wise person who lives with self-control, honesty, integrity, love, peace, etc. It’s my job to guide you and correct you so that you will end up with a good heart.

What is your intent at home, work, socially, in relationships? Do you send mixed messages?

Here are some guidelines to follow as you reflect on purity (the intent of your actions):

  1. Pray that impurities in your life will be revealed to you.
  2. Identify the sin.
  3. Embrace God’s love for you and ask Him to forgive your impure/sinful ways.
  4. Take steps to stop your behavior (tell a friend about your behavior, change your environment, repair broken relationships)
  5. Follow God’s ways – do the right things.
  6. Be accountable (have a friend keep tabs on your actions; record your improvement)
God desires us to use our words and actions to pursue His desires for our lives and not to just do X to get Y using tactics that are less than ideal.

May you feel the love of God as you pursue correcting the impurities in your life. He WILL forgive you and the rewards will be great!

Friday, March 27, 2009


I do think that society has lost the concept of purity. From dress to commercials we are constantly hit with impure images and ideas. I do agree that it does take effort and we should continue to teach and promote being pure. It would be easy to say "ditto" to all the other posts on purity this week, but here goes.

So what does purity mean? I went to the dictionary and here's what I found.

purity: the quality or state of being pure...which led me to...

pure: unmixed with any other matter

What about the "Purity of God"?

God loved us and sent His Son. "While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8

True love is pure. So many things these days are labeled as "love", but are they pure? The purest love we know is from God...His pure love is seen in the fact that Christ died for our mistakes.

God, being holy, couldn't "mix with other matter", but He loved us! So Jesus came and died for our imperfections. Making us the "state of being pure". God's love purifies us! God's love is a holy love.

There are so many immoral and false ideas of love in the world. Don't settle for the cheap imitation...go for the "pure" thing! 100%

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I had a huge blog ready to post and then thanks to me being technologically illiterate, I lost it/got deleted and I didn't know how to retrieve it.
Either way; here is a good video with as song that sums it all up.

-Miss Sarah Eileen Maurer

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Purity in this Society

Wow! Reading some of those statistics from Amy's post is quite an eye opener. I always new Porn was a problem, but it is getting worse and worse. Not only that, but it is becoming a norm.
I heard in church a couple years ago that 95% of boys currently under the age of 18 will go into a marriage addicted to porn. I know many people affected by it and too many people, including some churches are ignoring it because "everyone does it" and "it's a normal thing". Someone called in a radio station today that was talking about what you are doing to get ahead in these bad economic times. The person said he was selling himself to get money to pay the mortgage!(and he was married) YIKES! The dj's thought that was a great idea and started asking questions on how it worked.
How do we protect our children from this growing industry and a world that tolerates everything? I am not the kind of parent that wants to keep my kids in a bubble. I truly believe that if you are out there in the real world, that is how you learn to rely on God. However, I think as a parent, it is my job to help them understand why a life following after God gives them freedoms to be who they were made to be.
Is it bad for a ten year old to watch a sex scene in a movie? Is it OK for a 12 year old to watch PG13? Well, are we setting them up for failure in a marriage when they do watch these scenes that portrays sex to be no big deal? Does it set their expectations to high so that when they do get married they have to turn to porn because they aren't having sex everyday or it wasn't as good as it looked on TV?
It sure makes me think about being to "non-legalistic" as some people would call it.
What about the opposite spectrum where you tell your kids that sex is bad their whole life and then when they get married they have intimacy issues. How can something be so bad for 20 some years and then in one night it is all OK? Or the emphasis on sex and no one talking about the other aspects of your sexuality. So they kids grow up thinking they have the freedom to do anything, as long as they don't have sex they are OK.
I think as christian parents, there has to be a happy medium. An open line of communication between you and your children.
I obviously don't have the answers, but it is really something I will have to be in prayer about when those times come for our family.
I pray for you this week, parent or not, that if you have little ones in your life, you will take the step of talking to your kids. Be honest with them and it might just open a door of communication that could save your kid a lot of hurt as he/she grows up.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Pure In Heart

What automatically comes to mind when I think about the topic of purity is sexual purity, but the Bible also talks about other kinds of purity. In Psalms and Matthew we can read about being Pure In Heart.

"Blessed are the pure in heart,
for they shall see God."
(Matthew 5:8).

"Create in me a pure heart, O God,
and renew a steadfast spirit within me."
(Psalm 51:10)

So what does it mean to be pure in heart? Tough question right? I recently sent out a post on facebook asking people to give me their definition of a pure heart. I was amazed at the incredible feedback I got. Here are some of the responses I received:

Pure at heart is......feeling peace in knowing Christ is in control. Embracing 100% forgiveness for past mistakes and realizing His unending grace asks that we be faithful with our talents.

A pure heart happens when you enter into a genuine relationship with God through Christ. There is no other way! It is totally through the completed work of Jesus and his death on the cross. Ephesians 2:8,9

It is abstinence of vices or an abundance of virtue.

A pure heart is a faithful heart. One that's not always cheating on God with the world. Too many Christians are having affairs on Jesus.

A pure heart is a characteristic of a person in a deep intimate relationship with God. Psalm 24:4 and 2 Tim. 2:22 come to mind. I also think about David who was a man after God's own heart. He wasn't perfect, but had a strong desire to please God.
Pure means the highest standard of quality, or without fault or defect. I don't think this means we are to be perfect (that is impossible for us to do here on earth), rather I think it is a call to a higher standard.

Being pure in heart has to do with your intentions and motivations. For example - doing volunteer work because it makes you feel good - not pure in heart. Clearly, this extends to other areas of our life, but that was an easy example

The first thing that comes to my mind is I immediately think back to God's Word talking about being blameless before God!

That you are Godly...that your heart always does right. You are in the world but not of the world.

Purity is an ingrained spirtual nature that brings us back to God even when we fall....righteousness of God not human righteousness....

That your motives are always true. You don't do things to see what you can get in return, you don't manipulate people, and you live your life loving people the way Christ loves you.

A pure heart, to me, is thinking back to the song "Innocent" by Stellar Kart...being God's, wholeHEARTedly...wanting to worship God in everything you do, wanting only to be God's.

Pure in thought, pure in attitude, transparent with no hidden agenda

(Thanks everyone. I was blown away by all the great answers.)

As believers in Christ we are called to live pure lifestyles, with pure hearts and pure thoughts. But how do we do this? Especially in a world so full of impurtiy? First, we have to acknowledge that we can't have pure hearts on our own. Our sinful nature simply doesn't allow it, but by the Grace of God our hearts can be made pure.

Secondly, we must stay in the word and keep our thoughts focused on things that are pure. The Bible gives us some great scripture for this.

“How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word.” Psalm 119:9.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable–if anything is excellent or praiseworthy–think about such things.” Philippians 4:8

Finally, I think we can help maintain a pure heart by living lives devoted to God and his service. Take time to fellowship with other Christians and learn to hold each other accountable. When we live our lives this way, not only will we be a blessing to others but, God will bless us and fill our lives with joy.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Purely Statistical!

The word ‘purity’ only appears in the Bible in 5 verses, and ‘impurity’ appears in 15 verses. The context for both is usually related to sexual sins.
When we decided to write about purity for this blog, I immediately knew the topic I wanted to discuss – pornography addiction. A quick Google search later blew the lid off my naïve way of thinking on this topic. I was amazed at the statistics I found and how large of an epidemic addiction to porn has become. I have personally known marriages that have been destroyed by this and let me tell you, nobody is immune. Satan plays on weakness and this stuff is so easy to access and highly addictive.’

Test your knowledge with these statistics:

1. Porn revenue is higher than revenue earned from:
A. NFL (National Football League)
B. MLB (Major League Baseball)
C. NBA (National Basketball Association)
D. All of the above

Matthew 5:8 – Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

The answer is D – porn revenue is higher than the revenue earned from the NFL, MLB and NBA combined!!

2. What percentage of Promise Keepers attendees viewed porn within a week prior to the event?

Proverbs 30:12 – There are those who are pure in their own eyes but are not cleansed of their filth.

The answer is 53%!

3. 20% of Christians say pornography is a major problem in the home – True or False?

1 Timothy 5:22 – Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands, nor take part in the sins of others; keep yourself pure.

The answer is FALSE – the correct answer is higher – 47% say it is a problem in the home.

4. What percentage of all women struggle with pornography addiction?
A. 4%
B. 10%
C. 13%
D. 17%

James 4:8 – Come near to God and He will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

The answer is D – 17%. This is not just a male epidemic, women struggle as well.

Other statistics for you…there are 4.2 million pornographic websites (12% of total websites); the daily pornographic search engine requests is 68 million (25% of total search engine requests); worldwide visitors to pornographic websites is 72 million annually; 37% of pastors admit to an ongoing struggle with pornography; 1 out of 3 visitors to adult websites are women.
**Statistics derived from a combination of reputable sources**

My husband and I have a few safeguards in place so we do not fall in to this trap. We have installed an accountability software that will email both of us when a pornographic site is accessed from any of our computers. My husband also has a male accountability partner that he checks in with and who also receives alert emails. Find your own safeguards but do something - doing nothing is allowing an open door for Satan to walk right through!

My favorite verse about purity in the Bible is Philippians 4:8 – ‘Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is PURE, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.’

I tend to use ‘Whatever’ as a response when I don’t want to deal with something. To remain focused, I have replaced the ‘whatever’ in this verse with my own personal struggle. That way I can name it – be specific – and own it! I challenge you this week to take this verse and make it your own too!

My actions are true
My words are honorable
My intentions are just
My thoughts are pure
My personality is lovely
My attitude is commendable
My relationship with Christ is excellence
My God is worthy of praise
I will live according to these things.

Free to be me......

Sunday, March 22, 2009

One man's junk is another men's treasure!

I have a standing date with my frugal friend for every other Saturday for 50 percent day.  In the Phoenix area, Goodwill Industries Thrift Stores are a treasure hunters dream... mine included. 

Goodwill offers 50 percent off everything every other Saturday.  (March 28, 2009 is the next 50 percent day.)  The crowds are thick, lines are long, the hunters aplenty and the treasures very diverse. 

Some of my favorite home decor items are from Goodwill. My favorite jeans, jacket and collectable books. I have supplied my classroom with books, instructional items, puzzles, office supplies and games.  My friend Julie has a great eye for colors and always amazes me at the home decor items she can put together. 

For great success at Goodwill there a  few details that will aid your hunting experience.

1. Know what you are looking for... make a list. Over time, you will find what you are looking for. 

2. Shopping at Goodwill requires getting to know the stores. I have a couple favorites (Cave Creek & Cactus Roads and 32nd Street and Greenway Roads) where I always find what I am looking for.  Someone who loves Ann Taylor Loft as much as I do... and donates reguarly to the Cave Creek shop.  There are some Goodwill stores that have more home items than others, while others have more kids clothing or more books.  

3. Know that name brands are at every store!  Recently, we picked up a very well known designer shirt for my daughter with an original price tag of $90 and we purchased for $2.99. The juicy t-shirt is quite cute on her!   I have found Longerberger baskets and dinnerware ($65.00 for the serving dish, I picked up for $1). A few weeks ago, another friend watched a very happy lady purchase a nearly new Coach purse for $25.00. 

4. Cannot shop on Saturdays? No, problem... Goodwill has a special tag color and week that is on sale every other day of the week. There is a $1 day at most locations, where a select tag is $1 for the entire day.  

5. Donate to Goodwill. Every time you bring in a donation, Goodwill gives you a 20 percent coupon.... this is helpful when you find a treasure not on sale or shopping not on 50 percent day. 

6.  If you are a bookworm, Goodwill is the best bookstore.  I hardly ever buy new books, new and old titles are always at Goodwill.  If you are industrious, you can find some old classics and then turn around and sell them on ebay, craigslist or (see below). I sold a children's classic book, copyrighted in 1930's that I picked up at Goodwill for .99 cents for $65.00 on 

7. Browsing at Goodwill takes patience but, is well worth the hunt and the entertainment. 

8.  Love movies? Old titles, new titles and classics... they are aplenty! You might even find an A+ VCR to watch some great movies on as well!

9. Goodwill shopping is much more fun with a friend. Two sets of eyes are better than one.

10. Be open to a new opportunity and try out Goodwill for living on the frugal side of life.

Part Two:

As my queen friend mentioned in yesterday's post, a Proverbs 31 woman is industrious. Well, my attempt to reduce and recycle... I sell our used books on My daughter helps and nearly manages our little adventure. You can sell books without little complication on We post books, when the books sell, we mail to the buyer and Amazon deposits the profits into my checking account. I did prefer their older system, where we could turn the profits into Amazon gift certificates - which I used for gifts and to purchase newer book titles.

For now, the system works for us and at Amazon, we actually make a better profit then carting the books into a used book store. I also have sold books to collectors and made some great profits by watching the book racks at Goodwill.  

Thrifty or just a hobby? I haven't decided... but, it is cheap entertainment and the Goodwill shopping and Amazon shopping have provided grand financial teaching moments for my daughters. 

A few opportunities to keep on living thrifty: 

March 28: Cactus View Elementary School is hosting a gently used book sale in the front parking lot at Central Avenue and Grovers Road (just north of Bell Rd.) The sale helps the school reading incentive program for students and prices begin at .50 cents. 

Annually, I allow my daughters to host a garage sale to raise funds to take a friend to church/summer camp.  We are set for this Saturday, March 28 .. email me for directions... or if you want to add a few items for their sale or your own mad money... feel free. 

Keep on looking for opportunities to save and enjoy all God has given.