Today I flew Air Moldova from Chisinau to Rome. While on the plane the flight attendants were pushing a cart with duty free goods up and down the aisle. There were several cartons of cigarettes for sale and I laughed out loud when I saw the boxes. Printed larger than the brand name it said SMOKING KILLS. Another box said SMOKERS DIE. And yet the passengers were lined up in the aisle to purchase them.
As Godly women, we have to be careful not to get too caught up in the junk in an Un-Godly world...otherwise we might find ourselves standing in the wrong line!!
You know the saying 'When in Rome', think of it as 'When in Christ - do as Christ does'.
Sorry for the short entry - I'll be back in town next week and hopefully be over my jet lag! The camp was a big success but our group is tired. We have 2 days in Rome to unwind and then fly home on Wednesday. Pray for travel safety for us!!
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