Monday, March 9, 2009

I'm digging it!

In the mid-eighties when I was 12 my family moved in to a newly constructed house. My grandfather bought a Ginkgo tree for us to plant in our front yard. I agreed to help my dad plant the tree thinking it would be fun. Now let me preface this by saying my dad’s idea of help was for me to dig the hole while he gave instruction from the front porch as he was sipping a glass of ice cold lemonade. He “supervised” while I dug and dug, and then dug some more. I kept asking if it was enough and he kept telling me to keep digging. Finally after the hole was so deep you could not even see the top of my head if I was standing in it, my dad’s friend drove by and asked what I was digging. We proudly showed him the tree ready to be planted and his reply was, “When do you want that thing to come up – 1999?”

Needless to say, the hole was way too deep – but why am I telling you this and what the heck does it have to do with Proverbs 31? A modern day woman has many pressures – being every thing to every one, not knowing when to say enough is enough – you all know what I mean and are probably thinking of all the things you have to do right now rather than finish reading this post! We are literally digging ourselves deeper and deeper away from what is really important. We continue to ask if we are finished and another distraction will pop up and we are once again digging away. Don’t you think God is wondering when you have time for Him – or even for yourself?
Women are nurturers by nature but at the same time we are over committers. We can go, go, go with the best of them but that's not necessarily a good thing. I am only responsible for myself and my husband and yet my agenda is packed for weeks - I don't even want to imagine what it would be like if I had a child to take care of!
Recently I asked a friend to have lunch but she was busy. What about dinner – nope, she had plans. Morning coffee? No time. I could see her hole getting deeper and deeper.
The Proverbs 31 woman is busy, but her personality profile ends with the fact that she feared the Lord. Surely this means she doesn’t dig her hole so deep that her growth is stunted and it takes forever for her true beauty to be seen above the surface? She manages her time and probably has used the word 'No' once or twice. We all need to try that once in a while. At the end of the day – do you climb out of the hole, step over all the dirt and put down your shovel to join God on the porch for some lemonade?

I know this is all makes a nice story but in reality, we all have responsiblities and others counting on us so it's not as easy as it sounds. Here's the thing - we could all use a break from the realities of life but WE are the only ones standing in our way.

I'll leave you with this story on my favorite topic - shopping! I really love to shop but my husband can't stand it. If I take him to the store with me we have to practice in the car - what are you getting - do you have the list? Let's go right to it - get in and get out! As soon as I walk in the doors I lose my mind and start looking at other things that were not at all a part of the original plan. He firmly places a hand on my shoulder and guides me back to reality. Focus, he'll tell me. Hmmm...sounds an awful lot like what God would do to us if we let Him. Feel His hand on your shoulder this week gently guiding you and urging you to maintain focus.

Free to be me...


Anonymous said...

Love it! You always make me think. And smile. :-)

Coley said...

I love the idea of God's hand on our shoulder. So true! I am really feeling that with my daily life right now. Back to basics...back to God! Thanks Amy!